Assuming the hash marks in your original are 12" apart - I added a few dimensional references, which make me think the car would have to be longer than 10.5 feet.
Yellow Dot - If the rear of the car pivots off of this point (and the wheels don't steer independent of their respective body sections), the vehicle will steer decently. Otherwise the rear wheel is going to be dragged laterally across the pavement at each turn.
Dark Grey arrows - Overall tire radius is 12" - implying ~9" wheels???
Green & Light Blue arrows - Seat base is 15" x 15". I'd guess that even an anorexic, 5' 2" person would find that seat at least a little cramped. The butt of my overweight 5' 11" (180cm) frame needs/wants 20" wide x 18" deep (51cm x 46cm).
Red arrows - Sitting in my desk chair with height set so thighs are parallel with the floor and knees @ 90*, the distance from the intersection of seat base and seat back to the tips of my toes is 39". Sitting in the seat of my Ford Escort (knees @ ~150*, the distance is 44".