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Old 03-19-2009, 06:02 PM   #1 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Tax credits to make your home more efficent.

I found out about this because we are planing to replace windows in our house in the coming months, we were informed that we can get up to 30% of the cost of our windows back, up to $1,500 per income tax return of the home owner(s) not per house! most common if you are married and file seperatly but works well for people like me who have a co-home-owner, we each can claim this credit.
It pretty much covers everything good, insulation, doors, windows, roofing, hot water heaters, solar hot water systems, solar electric systems, wind turbines, new electric cars, and it sounds like it's not alot of paper work, you just save your receipts and documents that give the energy efficentcey of what ever you are installing because they have to be near the top of what is avalible, beyond energy stare in most cases.

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