Originally Posted by dcb
You havent mentioned your year/make/model. You might want to make a garage entry and track your fuel so we can all see if the instrumentation helps.
Oh, and welcome to ecomodders
04 Honda Accord. I am to lazy to make a garage entry. I have on at gassavers.org (don't ban me, I don't know if there's some internet fight going on)
Gaslog data for Accord
I have two big reasons for wanting one. Doing things like pulse glide efficiently, I havn't figured it out and might need to accelerate more slowly, but I won't know, or if aero mods are even worth it.
The other I need to make a MPGuino not OBD for, so I'll just run them both as you mentioned. I need a pulse width mpg calculation because of a calculation error that happens when you run off OBD.