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Old 03-23-2009, 06:59 PM   #631 (permalink)
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Which editor for the software???

Yes! 144v 500amps! It is a lot of power, huh! But these components can take it.

Atmel AVR Studio

It's a free development environment and C/C++ compiler/editor. Then you just go up and click to program the microcontroller from inside the editor! It's all self contained! It's awesome. I think they do it so you will use the AVR microcontrollers instead of PIC.

I am in communication with a company for a really good deal on diodes. They sell them for $2.36 each, whereas Digikey and Mouser both charge like $5.19 each, and since you need 10 for a 500 amp controller, it is quite a bit of money! It takes like $20 off the price right off the top. I was looking at components, and if people would get kits in groups of 2 or 3, the parts costs are around $250! Isn't that amazing!?

kits and boards
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