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Old 03-25-2009, 02:11 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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WAY off topic. Arduino info needed

I was speaking with my friend Ivan and he said some of the members here might be able to help me learn about using Arduino and programming same. I am VERY new to electronics but not to customizing. I own the custom body shop that helped him redesign and modify the front of his Pontiac. I want to work with Arduino and similar microcontrollers to use in some of the custom cars I build and work on. I already make LED kits and custom lighting but feel this would be a very useful tool. If anyone is in or near Ft. Lauderdale that might want to tudor me in this area, I would be very gratefull. I have ordered an Arduino but don't know "C" or any other computer language. I am trying to learn but with no hands on experience, it is a difficult road for me. Please contact me at and let me know if you can be of assistance. or if I can be of assistance in helping make aero parts for your own projects. I have no limits to the custom car field and fabfication. I have been customizing cars for almost thirty years. Both body wise and custom painting.

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