Christ, you are a funny writer. I was at the gym when I read your post and laughed out loud about the planets aligning for the sake of a Honda VX.
I read that the EGR valve can contribute to a stumble so I took it off and cleaned it up, new gasket and off I drove tonight without any stumbles. I wouldn't change any engine mounts but I hear what you are saying. All along, when I have been researching the VX and wondering about it's operation in LeanBurn, I've figured that was some kind of tradeoff for the mileage, and apparently there is. Good to know that Honda mechanics hate it. So I'll keep my head under the hood and won't bother them with such an efficient machine subject to untimely burps.
I know the valves are a bit noisy. Would I benefit any MPG by adjusting them?
I was hypermiling back in the 80s with my MGB and a CalCustom MPG computer and I'm doing it with my Chevy Cobalt with mpg indicator. Those cars trained me what to do to get good mileage, but I do need to seriously look into this MPGuino gizmo.
The VX is such a perfect car for me to be driving. I've always liked older technology that performs in advanced ways to achieve things that other products, cars, etc., aren't doing. Often that means some exotic technology that was prone to "burps." But I like that once I understand them. Look at my website Two of my other cars are old British cars with liquid suspension and front wheel drive. Wonder how they'd run with a VX Honda motor under their hoods????
Thanks for the posts and advise from MetroMPG on the "lean burn stumble." Just drove the car around town and to Kansas City and back, racked up 150 miles and the fuel gauge is just south of F. Oh happy day. I think the truckers hate me for staying in Leanburn on hills.