Originally Posted by Nigel
A few musings,
What deploys the parachute? What conditions are acceptable for its deployment airflow wise?
Could the front wings be extended vertically in a narrow strip to shade the front tyres from air flow? Both up and down.
Would there be any advantage in making the nose more like a cowcatcher -to move air to the sides and higher to cover more of the block.
When the rear tyres grow - do they still stick out of the body?
2 levers deploy them seperately, or both together (depends on speed)
On our 2007 body shown on the site, we kept having the chutes fall right onto the wheelie bars, we solved it by simply moving the chute mount up only 1 inch and sorted it. must have been in dead air...
Not sure what you mean airflow wise? As long as they work we can try anything, its got to be safe.
The front wings? you say a narrow strip? can you explain please?
We have played with the idea of making the front bodywork come further back nearer to the engine to 'hide' more of it from airflow
They grow a fair bit, here is a photo of the car during burnout to give an idea as they grow about the same amount.