I drive an 11 mile commute to work (mostly 35-45 mph roads...small hills along the way). I'm guessing moderate acceleration up the hills before disengaging the ICE and shifting into neutral is the way to go. My former 4runner was a v6 so the v4 Prius might need more aggressive pedal to stay at or near speed before cresting the hills.
If the 39 mph sweet spot is true (will confirm with SGII) then the first 5 miles of my trip on 45 mph roads should yield some good results (and maybe some angry drivers behind me)!
When I purchased my 4runner 2 years ago I went against my prior logic (drive it until it won't drive any more to get the loan out of the way and live off no car payment for awhile) because I knew I would be in a Prius before the 5 year loan was paid off. I imagine (barring horrific accident) that I will be in this Prius for the length of the 5 year loan and beyond.