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Old 03-26-2009, 07:30 PM   #676 (permalink)
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Michael's Electric Beetle - '71 Volkswagen Superbeetle 500000
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Thank you Roger!!

I'm going to carefully read your comments after I get back from Sylvan. OH Well! I might be a few minutes late. hehe

I read your comments, Roger. Excellent ideas, All! I would need to move up to the ATMega16, which is like $5, instead of $3. Oh my. It has 8 A/D channels. I really like the idea of limiting current based on issues with the battery, and limiting battery amps, tach, etc... Monitoring battery votage. Awesome. It's nice to have something open-ended. I don't think most of them would be too hard to do.

The manual pre-charge resistor is just something I rigged that was supposed to be temporary when I first converted the car. I never got around to changing it. I really ought to do that.
kits and boards

Last edited by MPaulHolmes; 03-26-2009 at 07:40 PM..
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