Originally Posted by SVOboy
You're right, the body will be a pain, but it should be a good set up. The engine is not as efficient as its predecessor the d15z1, but should still turn in some good numbers.
The nice thing is I will be running OBD-1 for it's chipping/tuning capability, and I'm planning on designing the engine bay such that anything that fit in the 92-00 civic will fit in this, and that will leave things pretty much wide open. I've also got a D13B that came in the 1996 Civic EL in Japan, a 1.3L D-series engine. If I was looking for a little more economy I could always do a head swap onto this bottom end...
Being a gearhead, I couldn't help hoarding half a dozen oddball engines when I sold my import business after my back injury
This all started when I simply set out to replace my Civic with something newer, and found only heavier, slower, expensive, and worse mpg than my 15y/o sedan...
Why would the Z1 be more efficient? Maybe it has roller rockers and the 3-stage doesn't? I don't remember..