I like the wheel design, but I would go with copper instead of aluminum. But the basic idea makes sense in that the current paths are equadistant. Ideally, freewheel diodes whould be mounted the same way and the capacitors negative lead tied right in to keep the "holly trinity" path as short as posible. I don't think the gate wiring matters that much. You just don't want too much inductance that may delay the gate turn off.
IMO, the best theng this design has going for it is that it eliminates the need to solder those little terminals to the thick copper. I once read that a compression connection is a lower resistance connection than a solder connection. If that's true then this would be a better way to go. Also, it takes less skill from the DIYer.
Also, Paul, I have been following your thread on EVTech DL about the current sensor. I think the noise is normal for a PWM current. You definitely have to filter the LEM output to smooth it out, otherwise the output will be a scaled distorted version of the PWM current going through the sensor.