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Old 04-01-2009, 04:52 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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A great HPV race

For those of you in the Philadelphia area --

Drexel University is hosting this year's American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Human Powered Vehicle Competition. The competition involves endurance, sprint, and utility event competitions. The participants are university students who built their vehicles from scratch, and which rely completely on human power. Last year, we saw a team race a vehicle powered only by the arms, and another that used both the legs and arms to power it. Drexel University is entering two vehicle's into the competition, a steel frame tandem trike and a titanium frame tandem trike.

I was a participant at last year's competition in Madison, WI, and it was truly an awesome event. The vehicles that the students compete in are great machines, and the event is a ton of fun to watch. It is open to the public, so I invite anyone who is in the area to come by and check it out. We will be in Fairmount Park racing the bikes on April 18-19. It would really be great to see some members of the EcoModding community there! There are over 25 vehicles participating, with some from as far away as Ecuador, Venezuela, and India!

The website to the event has some great pictures and info.

Events - Competitions - Human Powered Vehicle



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