Hey superchow! Thanks for the offer to help!
We'll be running the same 90 ish mile route as last year. Pretty much the same as last year in all respects. Goodie bags, possible prizes from sponsors.
If you have suggestions, please present them. If you want to go, the next meeting is at the city hall Tuesday 7 April at 5:30. I'll PM you and we can talk at greater length.
Probably the biggest help is in getting the word out. I admit I haven't done a good job of it this year as my normal life has me pretty tapped out right now. If you could help spread the word, in person and the 'net to as many receptive audiences as possible it will help make it an even greater success.
I know for myself it was really an enlightening experience to learn how trumendously effective good driving technique is on fuel mileage, and what good driving technique really is. It's like golf, it's never done, there is always something left on the table.
Nearly all drivers came back with excellent results that cost them nearly nothing. For those like myself that like to tinker, seeing first had what others have done and to talk with them about the mod and its effectiveness is very valuable. You can pick up the nuances of the mod much more completely than most mod writeups on forums.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting you!
The link to the fair is