this is part of why you should have a timer on your water heater, you have 50 gallons of hot water, my water bill showed that my house of 3 uses 53 gallons of water total per day, half of that or more is the toilet, being that it is a 30 year old 5 gallon per flush jobber, so my hot water heater heats up the 50 gallons and keeps it hot for a good chunk of the day, then it turns off at night,, late night shower? it's still hot 5 hours after it's turned off, hot enough for a nice shower, as soon as I get more timer trippers in the mail it will be off most of the day too, only turning on long enough to heat up then turning off again right before peek demand.
would you make a cup of tea then fill the pot back up with cold water and put it back on the stove? of course not! so why do that with your hot water heater, use what is hot and let it sit with cold water when you are done.