The mess of wiring is getting slowly put into shape. First thing was to mount the battery charger and get the pack built up some. The voltage was a bit low so my first drive was on a not totally charged pack maybe, or I just ran it down while driving. No gauges yet so I have no idea actually how good it was charged.
Then I wired up a relay onto the reverse lights to switch the controller to reverse. So to back up on electric I have to push the clutch and shift into reverse. Not a big deal to hold the clutch down while backing up I figure.
With the batteries charged up a few hours I tried out the throttle since it is now properly adjusted and wired in. The car seems much stronger than the first drive but I bet it would still have trouble getting up the hill by my garage so I will be swapping to a 44 tooth from a 36 tooth sprocket this weekend if I have time. I have a lot of other stuff to do so it looks like it is going to be another weekend of slow progress.