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Old 04-04-2009, 09:05 AM   #3 (permalink)
Drive Stick
Weight Reduction
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: NJ
Posts: 113

Celica GTS - '02 Toyota Celica GT-S
90 day: 36.32 mpg (US)
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Just a general reply here, but most high mpg cars have less to do with the car, than they do the driver.

Give a person a car that's usually getting 35 mpg, and the car will get 28 mpg because they will be using their instinct to rush around and keep up with traffic.

There is a list of 100+ driving techniques on this website which offer some good starter advice on how to improve your mpg through driving.

100+ hypermiling / ecodriving tips to increase gas mileage -

Saving gas, is a state of mind more so than it is a feature of a vehicle.
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