I don't think they will design the board for that price. The example that was quoted was for a 2 sided 3"x4" PCB, when you supply the design layout. I'm scared to ask about them designing the layout! Our PCB might have to be more like 4x6 or so, but single sided. I got all the parts from digikey.com and mouser.com.
I was changing to an ATMega16, because it has more analog to digital converters, so that we can also monitor and control things like RPM, Pack voltage, etc...
In the schematic there also needs to be a ferrite bead between where the digital and analog grounds meet. I forgot that.
I've been working on a cleaner, stronger way to connect the controller together. No tapping needed, and no bolts bolting down the M- bus bar. Much better heat transfer to the heat sink from the heat spreader. All at once!
I just need to find three 1/4" diameter (grade 8??) bolts that are 3" long.
It will be nice to have the controller's heat sink in the up position, so fans could easily be attached to blow down on the fins if heating is an issue.