Originally Posted by Drive Stick
I'm not amused by this article, despite the fact that I mainly work with power to weight ratio, and built lightweight vehicles.
It's not even remotely funny to suggest removing ones seat-belts in effort to save weight, no matter what the cause.
Also, I personally have never seen a car that lost 50 lbs from the seat-belts being removed. Try more like 20-30 with 5 belts, including anchoring hardware.
If you must quote, quote the ENTIRE paragraph?
Unburdening your car of all seat belts and assemblies will lighten your load by another 50 lbs. If you're brave enough to drag race, you'd better be brave enough to do it without seat belts. Think pleasant thoughts of Dale Earnhardt....oh, never mind. Serious, install a light weight racing 5-point harness or better. HANS optional.
Additionally, first generation Eagle Talon, Plymouth Laser and Mitsubishi eclipse have an electric motor-driven automatic shoulder belt and a manual lap belt. The automatic shoulder belt system, with electric motors, weighs in at about 12 pounds, per side.