Thread: Fried my Guino
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Old 04-05-2009, 09:22 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dcb View Post
I don't know that "easy to fry" is a fair generalization. In a home built unit, stuff happens, yes, but adding more stuff generally reduces the chances of success. It sounds like a layer of plastic between his board and LCD would have helped here.

The preassembled ones currently come with a layer of plastic between the LCD and the circuit board. They also do not have a bootloader and other changes and have not yet shown the flash flakiness seen in a stock arduino configuration. The data leads have 50kohms in series so it's hard to fry much of anything with that in the way. And a large cap with reverse polarity protection on the power leads make a reasonable supply circuit.
The idea that I was presenting is that bad things happen and while frying the MPGuino is not that bad, what happens if something shorts out and shorts the wires going to the ECM? Would that damage it? The idea that I have is to use opto-isolators to isolate the ECM from all home build projects so that if something did happen, you would at most have some fried opto-isolators but the car would still be fine. One thing I could see happening is the possibility of introducing interference by tapping into the cars system. Therefore, it would make sense to keep our interaction with the system purely one sided which would give us the piece at mind that nothing could happen to our cars if something went wrong with our project. Therefore, what I really wanted to know is has anyone tried to isolate the project from their cars systems?
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