Ooops, now that I have read all the posts in this thread-- a person can be rude on the internet, thinking that nobody knows who he is--but it seems everybody knows me here. Now, I wish I hadn't been so hard on a couple of guys.
Originally Posted by theunchosen
Mind if I ask what temperature the engine exhaust is, for the theoretical engine?
Hey, unchosen, you sound like an automotive engineer, very astute question. Let me look that up for you.
The calculated exhaust temperatures are--
For my Beetle engine......... 900 deg. K at 1.1 atm.
For the new engine........... 580 deg. K at 1.1 atm.
Now, if you wanted to verify engine efficiency, you would need to have the approximate combustion temperature....that's 2,000 deg K for my engine. You could apply a mechanical efficiency factor of 0.85, and the Carnot efficiency formula, to estimate brake efficiency for the "theoretical engine."
Ernie Rogers