Originally Posted by dcb
there might be a more logical place disengage in the cvt too, got any exploded diagrams of the bergman tranny?
Well, not on the wheel side of the clutch that I can tell.
It won't seem to let me link directly to it, but if you go to
Ron Ayers Motorsports, Hover on OEM Parts > Online Microfiche, choose Suzuki scooters then 2006 > Burgman 400,S > Transmission 1 & 2, #2 shows the post-clutch section, 11 being the shaft that the wheel hub is pressed onto, and 1 being the shaft that goes, I believe to the clutch housing. #1 shows the clutch and CVT section.
Jamming the engine is most likely going to cause a momentary rear wheel lock, the clutch does NOT want to slip at all above 15mph.