Hi Mr Holmes, just to say thanks for all your various posts. I find them helpful and considered, with encouragement for potential E.V.ers very distinctly and kindly worded.

I,ve stumbled upon your posts regularly and like your style

Just to let you know that you and forkenswifts team finally got me to snap in the E.V. conversion direction,

that and the idea that an EV project would be a great "vehicle" promoting a just local cause.(Save Sligo General Hospital's Cancer Care services allied to Green (E.V.+ re-cycling issues) I,m in Ireland where E.V.s are as scarce as the proverbial hen's teeth.(this one for Sligo may well be the first)
Anyway the plan? Build a '93 bToyota Corolla Conversion (3 Door European Hatch)using donated 36 volt reach truck parts. with a beefy 48 volt fork lift motor.(Full specs to be ascertained this next fortnight) I have a fair mech.knowledge but terms like ohms and amps are foreign to me, resistors? my brain is currently full of them


using Electric motors and the voltage possibilities of a 48 volt motor vis a vis a 72 volt controller is a puzzler

what can i use and where? that,s the puzzle that you guys seem to have mostly licked, having boldly gone before me

. At 66

i,m on a very steep learning curve, reading ecomodder posts avidly hoping that i,ll hear an internal "click"c as the pennies drop

Basically though, i sense that you take your E.V.ing very seriously well peppered with fun and consideration for the aspirations of the would be ev enthusiast

. Many thanks meantime, Regards Archie Bell