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Old 04-13-2009, 12:00 PM   #5 (permalink)
Fr3AkAzOiD's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Raleigh, NC
Posts: 259

Cobalt XFE - '08 Chevrolet Cobalt XFE
Team Chevy
90 day: 41.1 mpg (US)

'05 Malibu V6 Tow Vehicle/Track Car - '05 Chevrolet Malibu LS V6
90 day: 23.12 mpg (US)

'08 XFE average for 2013 - '08 Chevrolet Cobalt XFE
90 day: 41.1 mpg (US)
Thanks: 41
Thanked 25 Times in 20 Posts
Also might want to consider a manual Chevrolet Cobalt XFE, I have an '08 ('09 gets 1 mpg better) and lived in Hunt Valley MD (about 65 miles south of you as the bird flies) with this car for about 5 months before moving to NC and without any mods and just basic ecodriving/hypermiling techniques would get between 40 - 43 mpg average (I had a lot of low mpg trips driving from MD to NC and back looking for houses and I can't hypermile when wife is in car, she doens't like it so there are some lower numbers mixed in), highway average at 70 mph is about 39/40, at 65 mph 42/43, and at 50 mph would get over 50 mpg on the flats.

Got mine while gas was still over $3.50 a gal and only paid $14,000 for it and $15,500 out the door with tags and everything so you could walk away with an even trade and get a lot better mpg without having to buy a subcompact.

Have put 19,000 miles on mine so far and no problems so far.
Great rolling resistance tires (0.009) are the same they fit to some model years of the Prius.

You also get 155 hp with the Cobalt when you need to get up and go instead of the 117 hp with the Fit.

Just a thought.
Lifetime mpg

2012 mpg

Last edited by Fr3AkAzOiD; 04-13-2009 at 11:57 PM..
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