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Old 02-14-2008, 10:01 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Harold - '94 Honda Civic CX
90 day: 54.51 mpg (US)

Margot - '08 Surly Big Dummy
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While I don't necessarily agree with the safety argument in larger vehicles, I certainly agree that larger vehicles have a place in the ecomodder community.

Lets face it, we are all at the forefront of a movement that will sooner-or-later sweep the nation as gas prices (or availability) become major hurdles for the continued functioning of our way of life.

We need representatives from all sectors of the motoring public to begin modifying their vehicles and driving habits for maximum efficiency. That means people with small cars, big trucks, old cars, new cars, heck even SUV's.

The sooner we can identify and implement the best efficiency-boosting techniques for each vehicle type the better off we all will be when the poo finally hits the fan.

As far as trucks are concerned, there are ENORMOUS gains to be made in trucks and I'd like to congratulate Big Dave for making such headway with the gains in his truck.

Think of it like this: if you take a 15mpg truck up to 20mpg, and you drive 30,000 miles each year you've saved 500 gallons of gas.
If I wanted to save that much gas driving my 40 mpg car 30,000 miles per year, I'd have to take that 40mpg up to 120mpg!!!

Multiply Big Dave's results by a few hundred thousand trucks on the road and you've got some major improvements to our fuel situation.

"I got 350 heads on a 305 engine. I get 10 miles to the gallon. I ain't got no good intentions." - The Drive By Truckers.

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