In the pics it is set on the car loosely, it is not clamped into place, so it looks clumsy. The tail is dragging, normally it is higher.
I found a way to cut tabs and bend them using heat to make tabs that fit into the door and trunk. Slam the door and the part stays in place. However it is a little tougher to coordinate all the parts so that the tail as a whole will stay in place. That is what I will be working on next. I have to work on the trunk tabs and wiring a bit, the trunk is not closing right. Then I will make the tabs for the doors.
The taillights are led truck trailer lights, red and amber.
There are some high spots and openings that have to be faired down somehow. I think I can bend it so that I don't need any additional support around the wheels but we will see.
The concept is a removable boxtail, with no permanent changes to the vehicle. I may have to ziptie the bottom panel to the bumper and drill some holes in the bottom of the bumper. Currently I am using binder clips (large paper clips) on the bumper which are pretty tight but may not hold up to gusts of wind.
The hole in the back is to get my hand in to open the trunk with the key. It will be covered with a removable piece.
I made this first mock up larger than needed. After a chance to look at it I will scale it down to fit the car. Also I will bend the sides in toward the middle to make the boxtail narrower than the car.