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Old 04-15-2009, 09:33 PM   #936 (permalink)
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Michael's Electric Beetle - '71 Volkswagen Superbeetle 500000
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That would be awesome if you guys could help with modeling. The experts are finished with the first revision. Just a few minor revisions to the control section. I now sent that back to them, and they are going to see if anything else needs to change, and then we should be relatively firm on all the components. Thank you for your help!

$80/hr? I could make that much money in 5 seconds! (Napoleon Dynamite)

I thought the controller had arrived, but it was my mother-in-laws stuff. I hope she doesn't get mad about me opening her package, rifling through it, and then throwing it out the window once I realized that it wasn't the motor controller. hahaha! (just kidding about throwing it out the window)

The copper bus bars came today from Wherewolf! They come that way standard in his telecommunications (or something) industry! I measured the holes that are already there, and they're 1.5" apart! They need to be... 1.5" apart! How in the HECK did that happen!?!? They are completely unnecessary to modify. I may enlarge the holes just a hair, but I don't think that's necessary! What the heck!?!

Hmm... The 4 ounce copper is here. I should go to the garage to start etching the power section.

I have the flu, so I don't know if I'll etch it right now, but soon!
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