Originally Posted by theunchosen
I'm in that fluids group so I have questions.
Great, thanks for asking & having an open mind... some folks tell me this is "impossible" (despite the successful flight, wind tunnel and CFD tests) and move on.
Has this been tested on something today and can I see pictures of all of its components?
Yup, there is a list of technical papers at the bottom of my site
Pressure Thrust
How much vacuum is needed to create a sufficiently low pressure upstream of your concavity(a surface that curves inward is a concavity convex surface bows outward)?
It depends.. for the image at the bottom of page 2 of this thread, I think the pressure was around 1200 pascals. Should be within the reach of a fairly simple utility blower. That was with the car going 60-65MPH (I forget which).
the idea is to slow the air down enough that it "falls" along the curve pushing the car forward?
The suction keeps the flow attached across the strong pressure gradient of the concavity. That stagnation & the concave shape that creates it generate the aerodynamic pressure thrust.
I'm sure there is a way to describe this in terms of circulation theory but I'm just not that smart. :-]
-Dave B