Originally Posted by JacobAziza
I have talked my way out of plenty of tickets.
In this case I was never threatened with a ticket in the first place.
It isn't about not saying anything, but about being very respectful.
Also, it only works when you really do have knowledge of the law.
If you can quote the vehicle code in question, he isn't likely to waste his time, because you will win in court.
The video, and any subsequent information is more directed at the people who can't do this...
As much as I"d like to think I'm just like everyone else, alas, the average Joe doesn't immerse himself in Technical drawings, manuals, and law books.
In fact, the average Joe in a car is doing something illegal right now, and doesn't even know it. (don't count speeding, which a majority of Joes and Jills do.) Most people don't apprise themselves of the law enough to know when to keep their mouth shut, and in this case, it is better to just
remain silent, another of your Miranda rights.