Thread: Tires question
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Old 04-17-2009, 08:55 AM   #6 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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I was not referring to LRR or FE at the outset. I was referring to the potential safety. Any process that involves any form of polymers are substantially more variable than ones that involve metals. Metals its relatively easy to keep it moving along at a brisk pace and avoid accidently making the frame too thin anywhere or having disproportionate concentrations. Polymers its not so easy because its a chemical reaction. That said some reactions are pretty easily metered(nylon), but even there sometimes the line snaps at the reaction point because the two reactants either wanted to react too fast too slow or in a different way(the latter is very uncommon). Rubber is kind of like this but not as easily measured(nylon breaks thread when something is amiss).

Not all things involve funded studies. This falls under the category of quality control. Its like most steel companies. They intentionally don't go get a perfect slab to do stress testing on. To avoid being on the receiving end of a law suit they use a slab thats like any other slab and in some cases use steel that is slightly flawed to ensure that the average will always perform above the test conditions(I had a friend who worked for E-Steel and this is how they demanded their specimens were measured). Its an added layer of our safety factor.

Yes I am entirely aware there is alot of feedback about tire pressure. I am also aware that you are the only one to advocate to jack straight to 50 PSI without slowly moving forward and closely monitoring wear on the tire. If anyone else has done it I didn't catch it. Also Ecomodder is not really even big enough for a case study, no offense at all, one day we might be but I am pretty confident that we have less than 2K members.

The last factor is I'm an engineering student and if an engineer tells me not to exceed this number I'm not likely going to do it. True most of the time you can go pretty far above that number and be fine, but some days its not true and then your tire bursts at 60 mph. You should try having your tires go away at 60+ and then you'll probably be back here with me at max rated pressure.
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