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Old 04-17-2009, 02:00 PM   #5 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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2k2Prot5 - '02 Mazda Protege5
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Isn't this JUST like an american auto company to do the EXACT SAME THING with a different name and pass it off as different... Yeah... thanks... we ALREADY have a lotus with some batteries in it... It isn't selling or making money... can we move on with life and try something new?

This is nothing but "green press". Every company in the world with a few marketting dollars seems to suddenly be the environment's best friend. Even my f'ing bank machine has an advertisement on it saying that it is powered with renewable energy (bullpoop, it is hooked up to the same power the rest of the bank is, they just invested a few dollars in some panels somewhere to say they are green)
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