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Old 04-17-2009, 03:08 PM   #29 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Seriously. . .I will say this again. Every major newspaper has ahd an article within the last 6 months that regardless of gas price trends people still buy mostly SUVs. virtually every other car here is an SUV and I know its worse in other areas.

People who buy lexus/BMW and Porsche buy them for one reason, Spirit/Feel/class. It has 0 to do with hp, price Fe or comfort. There are pieces that fit each of those categories better than those manufacturers and some that manage all of those factors better at the same time.

People who buy sports cars buy them because they like the look.

Most Americans buy large vehicles because they like the theoretical status it yields them to travel in their own personel motorcade.

Reasonable people like cars and wagons more. Reasonable people like lower prices. Reasonable people will always buy lower priced imports. The people who buy SUVs and trucks cannot be considered reasonable because these days there is no reason to own one(unless of course its a true SUV=HMMWV and you live in BFE).

So the argument that you expect unreasonable people to do a reasonable thing is a non sequitur. logic is the sine que non of rational decisions.

Most americans do not go off-roading, do not drive through mountains of snow, the woods, or have truly steep driveways that are gravel and require serious traction. So its illogical for them to own SUVs period. Just because it gets alittle more expensive you are banking there is logic in there somewhere.

Watch the cars near you on teh highway and you will be surprised that its not there, because those large FE-unfriendly vehicles are still everywhere and will be for the foreseeable future.
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