Originally Posted by AndrewJ
Think of it like this: if you take a 15mpg truck up to 20mpg, and you drive 30,000 miles each year you've saved 500 gallons of gas.
If I wanted to save that much gas driving my 40 mpg car 30,000 miles per year, I'd have to take that 40mpg up to 120mpg!!!
Multiply Big Dave's results by a few hundred thousand trucks on the road and you've got some major improvements to our fuel situation.
Lets say half of the people that own an SUV-Truck don't actually have a need for them. If they realize this, and go from a 15mpg SUVtruck to a 30mpg car - that would be 1000 gallons of fuel saved over 30,000 miles
When the guzzler laws (and current loopholes) were written. Trucks and the equivalent SUVs made up less than 25% of the market share of vehicles sold. Around that time, 1 farmer fed ~6 people. Nowadays, 1 farmer feeds around 121 people... For some reason, the decline in farmers has yielded an increase in farm equipment... irony
But all that above is wicked hard to accomplish. Changing people's minds is damn near impossible. People need to change their own minds

But that can't happen until people are properly educated (the other day, I was attempting to explain why 4wd doesn't increase braking ability... I don't think the message set in though) :/