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Old 04-18-2009, 01:12 AM   #21 (permalink)
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I downloaded it and watched it. I've never had a documentary move me that way. Granted, I don't get a lot of time to watch much of anything. It's kind of relevent today with the shape the automakers are in because of the choices they've made.

Since having alot of time to think, I've been having these little moments of clarity where I can see our world, or whatever part of it I'm thinking about at the time, for what it really is; Fake. Nothing is what it seems.

I was raised strict christian, and although political assosiations were discouraged, leaned republican. To shorted the story, the older I get, and the more I open myself up to differing views, the more I can see our who way of life is based on BS. I don't mean this post to be inflamitory or inciting a discussion of beliefs, just a statement that the docu was one more stepping stone to seeing how things really are.

I got angry and find it hard to care if GM or Ford survives (on an emotional level).

Sorry for the scatterbrained post. I find it hard to write my views and have it come off as intelligent, yet brief.

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