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Old 04-19-2009, 02:33 PM   #44 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Yeah I know I was pretty disappointed that a sales figure table was not anywhere near the top. . .disappointing google. . .shame. . .

But the table runs apparently through July YTD with a total of 3893373 units sold of which 1029804 units were strictly trucks or SUVs(Rav, CRV) So 26.4% of the vehicles were a truck or SUV from that figure and it doesn't include suburbans escalades, and yukons(the biggest sellers in the SUV category). Given it also does not include alot of cars. Another issue with that particular table is the data only run through July at which point hybrid sales started to drop and SUV/truck sales began to climb again(depending on what newspaper you go with SUVs and trucks made more money than they have before or they broke even while hybrids lost out or broke even for the year).

My overall opinion is the google results disappointed me. . .but also that Trucks/SUVs are nowhere near as "out-of-demand" as everyone is clamoring(July was still 4 dollars a gallon, its sub 2 now).
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