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Old 02-15-2008, 05:14 PM   #2 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Bay Area
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The Miata - '01 Mazda MX-5 Miata
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Aerodynamic abomination!

Which means, there's plenty to improve

1. Streamline streamline streamline
Anything bulbous sticking out - see if you can remove it or relocate it. Such as that antenna
2. Patch up some holes
Rear wheels - cover the well
Front wheels - looks like when the wheel is full lock, those wheels won't go past the outer body. Cover that up.
3. How's the underside? If there's a lot of open areas and places for wind to catch - cover 'em up.
4. Deflectors in front of wheels.... Do it.

Any potential for making a bit of a boat tail back there? Even if it's just some sheet metal on an angle on all for sides.

Some other eye candy from nasa
Cars have not created a new problem. They merely made more urgent the necessity to solve existing ones.
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