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Old 04-20-2009, 08:39 PM   #25 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Beater - '93 Geo Metro XFi
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The Yokohamas were the last of the 145s (I looked a long time a few months ag0) and they were not that great. I have the Kumho 155 80 R12s on my 93 XFi and can get 50mpg without any magic tricks. The speedometer difference is hardly worth calculating (just add 1 mpg to what your calculated mpg is and you're pretty close).

Forget the 145's and buy the Kumho 155 80 R12 before they run out. Unless you want to buy some 13" tires AND rims...

If you're really on a budget, check the local wrecking yard. You might get lucky like I did and find a set of four 12" tires that match, aren't all weather checked, and have decent tread left. The bonus is that you won't have to pay to mount them (assuming the rims are straight).
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