Originally Posted by 1337
Chances are, that tank was a short fill, so this one required extra gas to compensate.
It is possible, because I think that I got worse mileage than the 27.x. We were running late to the meeting point and I was running 80 mph with a 10 mph head wind for 1.5 hrs to try to catch up. Also, I went to a Marathon for the tank that I am on now and got a short fill. I am about 35 miles short on this tank. The Marathon stations seem to do this to me quite often.
My fiance doesn't exactly like going under the speed limit either. I don't blame her. Riding in the car for long periods of time hurt her tail bone which she broke a couple years ago. Now that I think about it, she should probably bring a pillow (or the Jackson Sweet Cheeks) to help reduce the pressure on it.