Originally Posted by theunchosen
I just have 2 questions. Where in Europe did you live?
Switzerland - Just outside of Lausanne (near Geneva). Worked there 2004-2005. Also just north of London, off & on for several years in the mid-90s. Wasn't actually living there, though - my sister's husband was an exec running the UK branch of a company then, so I'd go stay with them for a month or two every year, and use their house as a base to travel around.
...and which Citroens are larger than an American car?
Did I say "larger than an American car"? If so, I misspoke: I meant to say large compared to things like the VW Beetle & Honda Civic of the '70s, which IIRC is when Citroen stopped trying to break into the US market. The DS and SM of that era were fairly large cars. See here for some pictures:
Citroën - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It may be a Hula-Hoop. . .I honestly couldn't tell you so I have to change my argument to Americans buy big cars.
Even there, there's some circularity. A lot of Americans buy big cars because that's what American automakers built, and American automakers build them because that's what they think Americans want - or can be persuaded to buy, thanks to convenient loopholes that e.g. count SUVs as trucks so they don't have to meet the same emissions & economy standards. And that's a big part of the reason why they're in financial trouble: they've locked themselves into selling to the big car segment of the market, and every jump in gas prices shaves some more off their segment.