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Old 04-21-2009, 06:30 PM   #64 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Christ View Post
Probably it isn't, but I believe the TH400 was the same transmission that's in the Corvette normally, and it can and does handle up to 800 HP with ease. (The STS kits were first done for Corvettes and similar cars, and they add single or twin-turbo designs.)
Now comes the .50 cal :-)

One thing to remember is that horsepower isn't what breaks transmissions; torque is.

He (corvette) isn't running a TH400; He's running a TH700R4 which is good to around 300 ft/lbs of torque without being built, built it can do around 500 ft/lbs. That being said a friend of mine had a built TH700R4 behind a 383 and would regularly brake the bell housings off at the transmission, eventually we got a good bell housing that held up and the transmission grenaded.

I'm not sure how much torque a turbo 6.5 makes; but I bet it's a good bit.

I'm still not sold on STS kits; I've driven a trans am with one and I just don't feel right about it even though it all works just fine.
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