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Old 04-22-2009, 05:54 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Southcross View Post
the Delorian was Stainless Steel :P

Actually... I planned to paint it a "light" color as my car doesn't have AC and it gets upwards of 100-105 here in the summer LOL
There was an EPA joke about this, right around April Fool's day... the word was that the EPA was going to ban new cars from being painted black in California... they said that the extra heat created by the black paint caused car owners to run the A/C more frequently, which obviously burned more fuel.

It was a hoax. The study that the EPA actually did, showed that the temps inside the car are not affected by exterior color. If I can find the source, I'll link it.

BTW - the $50 paint job is not economical in any way, and doesn't work out to actually costing less than $100 for many people. Rustoleum isn't car paint, either. And don't use latex, please. LOL

Oh - if you want better interior temps, get some tint. There are many tints which reduce UV light, but don't ruin the transmittance of light through the window (you can still see, and the cop can still see in, to a legal extent.)
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