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Old 04-22-2009, 08:11 PM   #29 (permalink)
Manic Rabbit
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Originally Posted by Christ View Post
I'm sure the headliner does have a buffering effect, but equalization will still happen, insulation or not. Just because a house is completely insulated and sealed does not mean it will never reach outside temperature.
yes... and obviously... if the insulation or what ever prevents (delays) the absorption of thermal energy... would be like needing to turn on the house AC because it got to hot inside in May instead of mid to late June.

Trust me, if you have ever driven 4 hours in a 120 degree car (105-110 with the windows all the way down, and you know what happens to your gas mileage with teh windows all the way down)... if it wasn't 120 degrees the whole damn time... 90, then slowly climbs to 100, then maybe 110... then finally gets to 120... its a HUGE ****ING DIFFERENCE when you don't have AC. I'm not going to disagree that a huge amount of energy that heats the interior does come through the glass, THAT IS NOT WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT

there... we all happy now?

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