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Old 04-23-2009, 12:58 AM   #23 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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I had a friend over during the weekend and we made several changes to the design. We took and leaned the rear firewall back further and took 2 inches off of the top of the car, at the same time rolling the top to ease the transition from winshield-top-rear hatch. The local college's VRI has a small wind tunnel we can test models in if it comes to that.
I have moved the radiator to the rear of the vehicle. I plan to use it in the tail and have openings top and bottom to encourage the air to suck thru the radiator and into the low pressure zone at the termination of the body. While there will be increased drag with the air going thru the radiator, it should be less than having it tumble off the end of the body.
Trying to make the windows roll up and down is really controlling my door design and I'm not pleased with it. I'm fooling around with having a part of the window hinge open instead, this will also eliminate the exposed edge of the window channels being in the airflow.
The latest tally has this thing at 12'-8" long, 5'-6" wide, and 38" tall plus 4" of ground clearance. The headlights have to pop up at nearly a 45* angle to be 24" on center from the road surface to meet state and federal "safety" requirements(can't have us getting too good of mileage), and I drew in the flattest common ones I could find to minimize exposure.
Exterior door handles are being omitted opting for a alarm with keyless entry(already have NIB sitting here getting dusty why not?)
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