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Fuel log graph
Efficiency log for: Ecopia IV - 2019 Chevy Bolt Lt
  • Lifetime Fuel Economy: 125.7 mpg (US), 1.9 L/100 km, 150.9 mpg (Imp)
  • 90-day Fuel Economy: 126.4 mpg (US), 1.9 L/100 km, 151.8 mpg (Imp)
  • 3-tank Fuel Economy: 127.3 mpg (US), 1.8 L/100 km, 152.9 mpg (Imp)
  • EPA Combined Rating / % over rating: 120 mpg (US) / 5.3% (based on 90-day fuel economy)
  • Total fills: 34
  • Average cost per gal/L: $0.00 per gal (US); $0.00 per L (price data entered for 33 fill/s)
  • Average cost per fill: $5.33
  • Average distance cost: $0.03 per mi. / $0.02 per km
  • Total fuel used: 44.53 gal (US), 168.5 L
  • Total distance traveled: 5602.3 mi. / 9016 km
  • Total cost: $175.80
  • Total fuel saved vs. EPA: 2.2 gal. (US) / 8.3 L
  • Total saved: $0 (based on avg. cost per gal./L)
  • Average tank distance: 164.8 mi. / 265.2 km
Fill date Distance Fill amount Price Fuel Economy Details
2022-12-14 148 mi
238.18 km
40.66 kWh
1.207 gal (US)
1.005 gal (Imp)
4.569 L
($4.88 total for this fill)
274.73 Wh/mi
122.62 mpg (US)
147.26 mpg (Imp)
1.92 L/100 km
0.82 gal (US)/100 mi
#35. Colder weather and winds are reducing efficiency. The ODO reads 36,657 miles.
2022-12-10 165.7 mi
266.67 km
41.06 kWh
1.218 gal (US)
1.014 gal (Imp)
4.611 L
($4.93 total for this fill)
247.8 Wh/mi
136.04 mpg (US)
163.41 mpg (Imp)
1.73 L/100 km
0.74 gal (US)/100 mi
#34. Charging a little early because I may need to take the car for hiking in the morning. There is 36,509 miles on the ODO.
2022-12-05 170.5 mi
274.39 km
46.43 kWh
1.378 gal (US)
1.147 gal (Imp)
5.216 L
($5.57 total for this fill)
272.32 Wh/mi
123.73 mpg (US)
148.65 mpg (Imp)
1.9 L/100 km
0.81 gal (US)/100 mi
#33. The weather has been warmer improving efficiency. We could have went another day before charging. There are 36,343 miles on the ODO.
2022-11-30 143.4 mi
230.78 km
37.33 kWh
1.108 gal (US)
0.923 gal (Imp)
4.194 L
($4.48 total for this fill)
260.32 Wh/mi
129.42 mpg (US)
155.36 mpg (Imp)
1.82 L/100 km
0.77 gal (US)/100 mi
#32. Charging a bit early because there was not enough projected range for another full trip to town. We have all the parts to build a 120 volts to 240 volt combiner. There is 36,173 miles on the odometer.
2022-11-25 145.8 mi
234.64 km
44.1 kWh
1.309 gal (US)
1.09 gal (Imp)
4.955 L
($5.29 total for this fill)
302.47 Wh/mi
111.38 mpg (US)
133.76 mpg (Imp)
2.11 L/100 km
0.9 gal (US)/100 mi
#31. Had to pick the kids up for Thanksgiving dinner and it was a 98 mile round trip plus the 47 miles mom and I put on the car Tuesday. It was windy, cold, and the passengers needed heat including me. The ODO reads 36,029 miles.
2022-11-22 150.3 mi
241.88 km
42.15 kWh
1.251 gal (US)
1.042 gal (Imp)
4.736 L
($5.06 total for this fill)
280.44 Wh/mi
120.14 mpg (US)
144.24 mpg (Imp)
1.96 L/100 km
0.83 gal (US)/100 mi
#30. The colder weather is definitely effecting our efficiency. The ODO reads 35,883 miles.
2022-11-19 179.7 mi
289.2 km
58.26 kWh
1.729 gal (US)
1.44 gal (Imp)
6.545 L
($6.99 total for this fill)
324.21 Wh/mi
103.93 mpg (US)
124.79 mpg (Imp)
2.26 L/100 km
0.96 gal (US)/100 mi
#29. Charged to 100% before leaving for Deming. This took 11.05 kWh. I used the heater on the way home.There is 35,773 miles on the ODO.
2022-11-17 91.3 mi
146.93 km
23 kWh
0.682 gal (US)
0.568 gal (Imp)
2.582 L
($2.76 total for this fill)
251.92 Wh/mi
133.87 mpg (US)
160.74 mpg (Imp)
1.76 L/100 km
0.75 gal (US)/100 mi
#28. I am going to Deming for a star party tomorrow. I am charging to 90% today and to 100% tomorrow before I leave. The ODO reads 35,553 miles.
2022-11-15 204.8 mi
329.59 km
50.73 kWh
1.505 gal (US)
1.253 gal (Imp)
5.697 L
($6.09 total for this fill)
247.71 Wh/mi
136.08 mpg (US)
163.45 mpg (Imp)
1.73 L/100 km
0.73 gal (US)/100 mi
#27. We drove down to 15% SOC. Plugged in to charge immediately in the daytime. The ODO reads 35,462 miles.
2022-11-10 168.7 mi
271.5 km
44.6 kWh
1.323 gal (US)
1.102 gal (Imp)
5.008 L
($5.35 total for this fill)
264.37 Wh/mi
127.51 mpg (US)
153.09 mpg (Imp)
1.84 L/100 km
0.78 gal (US)/100 mi
#26. Charging after midnight. When the new rate kicks in we need to be used to doing this. The ODO reads 35,257 miles.
2022-11-05 156.5 mi
251.86 km
41.42 kWh
1.229 gal (US)
1.023 gal (Imp)
4.652 L
($9.44 total for this fill)
264.66 Wh/mi
127.34 mpg (US)
152.98 mpg (Imp)
1.85 L/100 km
0.79 gal (US)/100 mi
#25. I drove Domonic to El Paso where we fast charged at the Walmart. The car took 15.99 kWh to 81% so since I had started out at 90% I needed to return to 90% at home. The ODO reads 35,089 miles.
2022-11-05 85.5 mi
137.6 km
19.26 kWh
0.572 gal (US)
0.476 gal (Imp)
2.165 L
($2.31 total for this fill)
225.26 Wh/mi
149.48 mpg (US)
179.62 mpg (Imp)
1.57 L/100 km
0.67 gal (US)/100 mi
#24. Short cycle because I am driving Domonic to El Paso tomorrow. I will DCFC there. The ODO reads 34,932 miles.
2022-11-01 197 mi
317.04 km
50 kWh
1.484 gal (US)
1.236 gal (Imp)
5.618 L
($6 total for this fill)
253.81 Wh/mi
132.75 mpg (US)
159.39 mpg (Imp)
1.77 L/100 km
0.75 gal (US)/100 mi
#23. We did a blind test taping over the GOM. Psychologically it was no problem and possibly it was a little less stressful. The ODO reads 34,847 miles.
2022-10-27 166 mi
267.15 km
46.61 kWh
1.383 gal (US)
1.152 gal (Imp)
5.235 L
($5.59 total for this fill)
280.78 Wh/mi
120.03 mpg (US)
144.1 mpg (Imp)
1.96 L/100 km
0.83 gal (US)/100 mi
#22. Reduced efficiency in colder temps beginning to show up. I taped over the GOM readouts to get a gas gage feel from the SOC display. There is34,650 miles on the ODO.
2022-10-24 174.3 mi
280.51 km
47.07 kWh
1.397 gal (US)
1.163 gal (Imp)
5.288 L
($5.65 total for this fill)
270.05 Wh/mi
124.77 mpg (US)
149.87 mpg (Imp)
1.89 L/100 km
0.8 gal (US)/100 mi
#21. Delayed charging due to having to use the truck for two or three days. The ODO reads 34,484 miles.
2022-10-14 200.2 mi
322.19 km
50.32 kWh
1.493 gal (US)
1.243 gal (Imp)
5.652 L
($6.04 total for this fill)
251.35 Wh/mi
134.09 mpg (US)
161.06 mpg (Imp)
1.75 L/100 km
0.75 gal (US)/100 mi
#20. First recharge since our trip. I am returning to 90% SOC so a 10% adjustment needs to be made. I just have to go with my 0.91 divisor as it seems to be the accurate tool i have in this instance The ODO reads 34,309 miles.
2022-10-09 218.9 mi
352.29 km
51.23 kWh
1.52 gal (US)
1.266 gal (Imp)
5.754 L
($6.15 total for this fill)
234.03 Wh/mi
144.01 mpg (US)
172.91 mpg (Imp)
1.63 L/100 km
0.69 gal (US)/100 mi
#19. ODO reads 33,109 miles.
2022-10-07 139.2 mi
224.02 km
39.242 kWh
1.164 gal (US)
0.969 gal (Imp)
4.406 L
281.91 Wh/mi
119.59 mpg (US)
143.65 mpg (Imp)
1.97 L/100 km
0.84 gal (US)/100 mi
#17. Attempted a trip to Oasis SP but we ran into rain and headwinds. I decided not to risk it and turned around so we could go back to Roswell so we could eat lunch. Then we went back to the park and changed the trailer tire. There is 33,816 miles on the ODO.
2022-10-06 219 mi
352.45 km
55.3 kWh
1.641 gal (US)
1.366 gal (Imp)
6.212 L
($2.6 total for this fill)
252.51 Wh/mi
133.46 mpg (US)
160.32 mpg (Imp)
1.76 L/100 km
0.75 gal (US)/100 mi
#16. We charged 3.568 kWh at the Sage Cafe on Hwy 70. The rest of the charging was done at the campsite. There 33,676 miles on the ODO.
2022-10-04 390.7 mi
628.77 km
104.7 kWh
3.107 gal (US)
2.587 gal (Imp)
11.761 L
($12.56 total for this fill)
267.98 Wh/mi
125.75 mpg (US)
151.02 mpg (Imp)
1.87 L/100 km
0.8 gal (US)/100 mi
#15. Ran long on this cycle because I needed to consolidate two cycles. The dealership left my target level at 100% unknown to me. We are going camping and will set our target level to 80% while we are there. The ODO reads 33,457 miles.
2022-09-21 162.9 mi
262.16 km
45.19 kWh
1.341 gal (US)
1.117 gal (Imp)
5.076 L
($5.42 total for this fill)
277.41 Wh/mi
121.48 mpg (US)
145.84 mpg (Imp)
1.94 L/100 km
0.82 gal (US)/100 mi
#14. First charging attempt using in car program to limit charging to the hours 12 AM to 8 AM for future off peak charging protocols. The ODO reads 33,067 miles.
2022-09-07 46.8 mi
75.32 km
12.24 kWh
0.363 gal (US)
0.302 gal (Imp)
1.374 L
($1.47 total for this fill)
261.54 Wh/mi
128.93 mpg (US)
154.97 mpg (Imp)
1.82 L/100 km
0.78 gal (US)/100 mi
#13. Mom needed to run to town this morning before our trip. There are 31,386 miles on the ODO.
2022-09-06 174.2 mi
280.35 km
45 kWh
1.335 gal (US)
1.112 gal (Imp)
5.054 L
($5.4 total for this fill)
258.32 Wh/mi
130.49 mpg (US)
156.65 mpg (Imp)
1.8 L/100 km
0.77 gal (US)/100 mi
#12. We are getting ready for our trip to San Diego, CA. The car will be charged to 90% to get the data then charged to 100% with the 10% tacked on to the trip data at the end. The ODO reads 31,339 miles.
2022-09-02 159.3 mi
256.37 km
38.05 kWh
1.129 gal (US)
0.94 gal (Imp)
4.274 L
($4.57 total for this fill)
238.86 Wh/mi
141.1 mpg (US)
169.47 mpg (Imp)
1.67 L/100 km
0.71 gal (US)/100 mi
#11. Charged up early because we have company any we are taking them antique shopping in the morning. The ODO reads 31,165 miles.
2022-08-30 154.4 mi
248.48 km
38.94 kWh
1.155 gal (US)
0.962 gal (Imp)
4.372 L
($4.67 total for this fill)
252.2 Wh/mi
133.68 mpg (US)
160.5 mpg (Imp)
1.76 L/100 km
0.75 gal (US)/100 mi
#10. Have been dealing with rain with the cooler temps. The ODO reads 31,006 miles.
2022-08-25 170.3 mi
274.07 km
45.01 kWh
1.336 gal (US)
1.112 gal (Imp)
5.057 L
($5.4 total for this fill)
264.3 Wh/mi
127.47 mpg (US)
153.15 mpg (Imp)
1.85 L/100 km
0.78 gal (US)/100 mi
#9. Cooler weather but we have had rain. The ODO reads 30,851 miles.
2022-08-19 173.6 mi
279.38 km
43.38 kWh
1.287 gal (US)
1.072 gal (Imp)
4.872 L
($5.21 total for this fill)
249.88 Wh/mi
134.89 mpg (US)
161.94 mpg (Imp)
1.74 L/100 km
0.74 gal (US)/100 mi
#8. Cooler weather enough to unload the AC combined with taking lower energy routes to town. The ODO reads 30,681 miles.
2022-08-15 157.2 mi
252.99 km
43.95 kWh
1.304 gal (US)
1.086 gal (Imp)
4.936 L
($5.27 total for this fill)
279.58 Wh/mi
120.55 mpg (US)
144.75 mpg (Imp)
1.95 L/100 km
0.83 gal (US)/100 mi
#7. The temps are lower and efficiency is improving. The ODO reads 30,507 miles.
2022-08-10 151.3 mi
243.49 km
39.71 kWh
1.178 gal (US)
0.981 gal (Imp)
4.459 L
($4.77 total for this fill)
262.46 Wh/mi
128.44 mpg (US)
154.23 mpg (Imp)
1.83 L/100 km
0.78 gal (US)/100 mi
#6. Cooler weather, highs around 95 F and lows around 70 F. The ODO reads 30,350 miles.
2022-08-03 144.6 mi
232.71 km
45.42 kWh
1.348 gal (US)
1.123 gal (Imp)
5.103 L
($5.45 total for this fill)
314.11 Wh/mi
107.27 mpg (US)
128.76 mpg (Imp)
2.19 L/100 km
0.93 gal (US)/100 mi
#5. Charging early because we have company arriving on Friday. There is 30,199 miles on the ODO.
2022-08-01 122.7 mi
197.47 km
41.6 kWh
1.234 gal (US)
1.027 gal (Imp)
4.671 L
($4.99 total for this fill)
339.04 Wh/mi
99.43 mpg (US)
119.47 mpg (Imp)
2.37 L/100 km
1.01 gal (US)/100 mi
#4. Since we are taking the truck to town tomorrow for a oil change and taking the car I decided to charge. Mom needs to take Andrew to work also. There is 30,054 miles on the ODO.
2022-07-26 169.6 mi
272.94 km
45.38 kWh
1.347 gal (US)
1.122 gal (Imp)
5.099 L
($5.45 total for this fill)
267.57 Wh/mi
125.91 mpg (US)
151.16 mpg (Imp)
1.87 L/100 km
0.79 gal (US)/100 mi
#3. The summer heat has broken here a little. Daily highs are in the mid 90 F, and lows are around 70 F. The ODO reads 29,931 miles.
2022-07-21 182.5 mi
293.71 km
48.9 kWh
1.451 gal (US)
1.208 gal (Imp)
5.493 L
($5.87 total for this fill)
267.95 Wh/mi
125.78 mpg (US)
151.08 mpg (Imp)
1.87 L/100 km
0.8 gal (US)/100 mi
#2. Car seems to be doing better and we also reduced our interstate highway driving. We have had a series of days over 100 F daily. The ODO reads 29,762 miles.
2022-07-16 117.4 mi
188.94 km
34.3 kWh
1.018 gal (US)
0.848 gal (Imp)
3.854 L
($4.12 total for this fill)
292.16 Wh/mi
115.32 mpg (US)
138.44 mpg (Imp)
2.04 L/100 km
0.87 gal (US)/100 mi
#1. There was 5.7 kWh on the dash for 28.7 miles before We got the new tires put on the car. This needs to be subtracted from the total charge cycle to get the results for the new tires only. I may have to prorate this based on the actual charging efficiency. Temporary entry on efficiency as a place keeper. There was a starting mileage of 29,462 on the ODO. The end cycle ODO is 29,579 miles.

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