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Fuel log graph
Efficiency log for: Mathilde - 1999 Volkswagen Eurovan Camper
  • Lifetime Fuel Economy: 16.9 mpg (US), 13.9 L/100 km, 20.3 mpg (Imp)
  • 90-day Fuel Economy: 16.9 mpg (US), 13.9 L/100 km, 20.3 mpg (Imp)
  • 3-tank Fuel Economy: 16.9 mpg (US), 13.9 L/100 km, 20.3 mpg (Imp)
  • EPA Combined Rating / % over rating: 14 mpg (US) / 20.5% (based on 90-day fuel economy)
  • Total fills: 4
  • Average cost per gal/L: $4.34 per gal (US); $0.00 per L (price data entered for 4 fill/s)
  • Average cost per fill: $67.08
  • Average distance cost: $0.26 per mi. / $0.16 per km
  • Total fuel used: 61.86 gal (US), 234.2 L
  • Total distance traveled: 1043.5 mi. / 1679.3 km
  • Total cost: $268.32
  • Total fuel saved vs. EPA: 12.7 gal. (US) / 48.1 L
  • Total saved: $55.12 (based on avg. cost per gal./L)
  • Average tank distance: 260.9 mi. / 419.8 km
Fill date Distance Fill amount Price Fuel Economy Details
2024-10-06 287.1 mi
462.04 km
17.334 gal (US)
14.43 gal (Imp)
65.62 L
584.16 kWh
($72.79 total for this fill)
16.56 mpg (US)
19.9 mpg (Imp)
14.2 L/100 km
6.04 gal (US)/100 mi
2034.69 Wh/mi
Trip from Colorado back home. Issue with axle.
2024-10-06 237.6 mi
382.38 km
12.147 gal (US)
10.11 gal (Imp)
45.98 L
409.35 kWh
($55.86 total for this fill)
19.56 mpg (US)
23.5 mpg (Imp)
12.02 L/100 km
5.11 gal (US)/100 mi
1722.85 Wh/mi
Trip from Colorado back home. Not sure how this one was so good. Issue with axle.
2024-10-06 288.3 mi
463.97 km
18.51 gal (US)
15.41 gal (Imp)
70.07 L
623.79 kWh
($92.53 total for this fill)
15.58 mpg (US)
18.71 mpg (Imp)
15.1 L/100 km
6.42 gal (US)/100 mi
2163.68 Wh/mi
Trip from Colorado back home
2024-10-05 230.5 mi
370.95 km
13.868 gal (US)
11.55 gal (Imp)
52.5 L
467.35 kWh
($47.14 total for this fill)
16.62 mpg (US)
19.96 mpg (Imp)
14.15 L/100 km
6.02 gal (US)/100 mi
2027.55 Wh/mi
Trip from Colorado back home. Uncertain about the accuracy of the odo reading as it was from the original owner, but seems to be close.

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