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Fuel log graph
Efficiency log for: blue sipper - 2006 Honda Insight
  • Lifetime Fuel Economy: 87.2 mpg (US), 2.7 L/100 km, 104.7 mpg (Imp)
  • 90-day Fuel Economy: 86 mpg (US), 2.7 L/100 km, 103.2 mpg (Imp)
  • 3-tank Fuel Economy: 89.8 mpg (US), 2.6 L/100 km, 107.8 mpg (Imp)
  • EPA Combined Rating / % over rating: 52 mpg (US) / 65.3% (based on 90-day fuel economy)
  • Total fills: 27
  • Average cost per gal/L: $2.73 per gal (US); $0.00 per L (price data entered for 27 fill/s)
  • Average cost per fill: $19.54
  • Average distance cost: $0.03 per mi. / $0.02 per km
  • Total fuel used: 193.25 gal (US), 731.5 L
  • Total distance traveled: 16855.2 mi. / 27125.8 km
  • Total cost: $527.67
  • Total fuel saved vs. EPA: 130.9 gal. (US) / 495.5 L
  • Total saved: $357.36 (based on avg. cost per gal./L)
  • Average tank distance: 624.3 mi. / 1004.7 km
Fill date Distance Fill amount Price Fuel Economy Details
2011-03-19 508 mi
817.55 km
6.6 gal (US)
5.49 gal (Imp)
24.98 L
222.42 kWh
($21.91 total for this fill)
76.97 mpg (US)
92.53 mpg (Imp)
3.06 L/100 km
1.3 gal (US)/100 mi
437.83 Wh/mi
Lots of head and side winds, cooler with rain.
2011-03-17 348 mi
560.05 km
3.7 gal (US)
3.08 gal (Imp)
14.01 L
124.69 kWh
($12.21 total for this fill)
94.05 mpg (US)
112.99 mpg (Imp)
2.5 L/100 km
1.06 gal (US)/100 mi
358.3 Wh/mi
2011-03-17 1011 mi
1627.05 km
10.5 gal (US)
8.74 gal (Imp)
39.75 L
353.85 kWh
($36.74 total for this fill)
96.29 mpg (US)
115.68 mpg (Imp)
2.44 L/100 km
1.04 gal (US)/100 mi
350 Wh/mi
2011-03-11 377 mi
606.72 km
4.6 gal (US)
3.83 gal (Imp)
17.41 L
155.02 kWh
($15.45 total for this fill)
81.96 mpg (US)
98.43 mpg (Imp)
2.87 L/100 km
1.22 gal (US)/100 mi
411.19 Wh/mi
2011-03-03 752 mi
1210.23 km
9.1 gal (US)
7.58 gal (Imp)
34.45 L
306.67 kWh
($30.2 total for this fill)
82.64 mpg (US)
99.21 mpg (Imp)
2.85 L/100 km
1.21 gal (US)/100 mi
407.81 Wh/mi
2011-02-23 702 mi
1129.76 km
8.7 gal (US)
7.24 gal (Imp)
32.93 L
293.19 kWh
($26.96 total for this fill)
80.69 mpg (US)
96.96 mpg (Imp)
2.91 L/100 km
1.24 gal (US)/100 mi
417.65 Wh/mi
2011-02-18 338 mi
543.96 km
3.95 gal (US)
3.29 gal (Imp)
14.95 L
133.12 kWh
($11.73 total for this fill)
85.57 mpg (US)
102.74 mpg (Imp)
2.75 L/100 km
1.17 gal (US)/100 mi
393.85 Wh/mi
2011-02-15 421 mi
677.53 km
4.7 gal (US)
3.91 gal (Imp)
17.79 L
158.39 kWh
($14.24 total for this fill)
89.57 mpg (US)
107.67 mpg (Imp)
2.63 L/100 km
1.12 gal (US)/100 mi
376.22 Wh/mi
2010-09-23 554.9 mi
893.02 km
5.9 gal (US)
4.91 gal (Imp)
22.33 L
198.83 kWh
($15.22 total for this fill)
94.05 mpg (US)
113.01 mpg (Imp)
2.5 L/100 km
1.06 gal (US)/100 mi
358.32 Wh/mi
got some nice weather little wind and normal roads for hills. still using octane booster. really seems to help with lean burn driving.
2010-09-21 757.4 mi
1218.92 km
8.9 gal (US)
7.41 gal (Imp)
33.69 L
299.93 kWh
($22.69 total for this fill)
85.1 mpg (US)
102.21 mpg (Imp)
2.76 L/100 km
1.18 gal (US)/100 mi
396 Wh/mi
cold, windy, lots of hills and no time to drive slow, even still got pretty good mileage. Still putting about 1/3 cup of octane booster in with each fill.
2010-09-14 881.8 mi
1419.12 km
9.9 gal (US)
8.24 gal (Imp)
37.48 L
333.63 kWh
($27.71 total for this fill)
89.07 mpg (US)
107.01 mpg (Imp)
2.64 L/100 km
1.12 gal (US)/100 mi
378.35 Wh/mi
Lots of hills, wind, rain, and faster than normal driving again and using octane booster. Seems to be helping with power and keeping mileage up with cooler temps and not optimum conditions.
2010-09-09 746.3 mi
1201.05 km
8.4 gal (US)
7 gal (Imp)
31.8 L
283.08 kWh
($22.25 total for this fill)
88.85 mpg (US)
106.61 mpg (Imp)
2.65 L/100 km
1.13 gal (US)/100 mi
379.31 Wh/mi
Had 2 days of 55-60 mph driving with strong side and head winds and little tail winds and steep and long hills. Used unleaded 87 octane gas with about 3 oz of octane booster. Temps were about 15-30 degrees cooler than last week. Got great performance and mileage using this combo in lean burn.
2010-09-04 479.1 mi
771.04 km
5 gal (US)
4.16 gal (Imp)
18.93 L
168.5 kWh
($12.85 total for this fill)
95.82 mpg (US)
115.17 mpg (Imp)
2.46 L/100 km
1.04 gal (US)/100 mi
351.7 Wh/mi
Made a fast trip to Dubuque, IA. Had a strong tail wind on the way down. Dash gage showed 105 mpg for the 180 miles to get there, all the hills and a lighter head wind on the way back brought the total mileage down.

Trying something different. not running e10 but using straight unleaded and adding 4 oz. of 108 octane booster. On the trip home averaged 96 mpg on the dash gage which has been running about 3-5 mpg low. My brother who is a big motorhead suggested using the octane booster because of the lean burn cycle to help keep from pinging and cooling the interior exhaust temps on the valves.
2010-09-03 788.9 mi
1269.61 km
8.7 gal (US)
7.24 gal (Imp)
32.93 L
293.19 kWh
($21.48 total for this fill)
90.68 mpg (US)
108.96 mpg (Imp)
2.59 L/100 km
1.1 gal (US)/100 mi
371.64 Wh/mi
2010-08-30 958 mi
1541.75 km
10 gal (US)
8.33 gal (Imp)
37.85 L
337 kWh
($25.99 total for this fill)
95.8 mpg (US)
115.01 mpg (Imp)
2.46 L/100 km
1.04 gal (US)/100 mi
351.77 Wh/mi
used 91 octane this fill noticed some improvement in power and better mileage with 15-20 mph side and head winds.
2010-08-17 343.9 mi
553.45 km
4 gal (US)
3.33 gal (Imp)
15.14 L
134.8 kWh
($10.92 total for this fill)
85.98 mpg (US)
103.27 mpg (Imp)
2.74 L/100 km
1.16 gal (US)/100 mi
391.97 Wh/mi
used 93 octane gas to see if higher ratings would yield improved performance and/or mileage. At present seems to have helped in both mileage and felt performance. with this fill brought the average octane for the tank to about 90.5 or so.
2010-08-13 699.6 mi
1125.9 km
8.2 gal (US)
6.83 gal (Imp)
31.04 L
276.34 kWh
($21.15 total for this fill)
85.32 mpg (US)
102.43 mpg (Imp)
2.76 L/100 km
1.17 gal (US)/100 mi
395 Wh/mi
2010-08-09 444.3 mi
715.03 km
5 gal (US)
4.16 gal (Imp)
18.93 L
168.5 kWh
($12.7 total for this fill)
88.86 mpg (US)
106.8 mpg (Imp)
2.65 L/100 km
1.13 gal (US)/100 mi
379.25 Wh/mi
2010-08-03 739 mi
1189.31 km
7.9 gal (US)
6.58 gal (Imp)
29.9 L
266.23 kWh
($19.27 total for this fill)
93.54 mpg (US)
112.31 mpg (Imp)
2.51 L/100 km
1.07 gal (US)/100 mi
360.26 Wh/mi
2010-07-28 817.7 mi
1315.96 km
9.5 gal (US)
7.91 gal (Imp)
35.96 L
320.15 kWh
($23.36 total for this fill)
86.07 mpg (US)
103.38 mpg (Imp)
2.73 L/100 km
1.16 gal (US)/100 mi
391.53 Wh/mi
2010-07-24 684.1 mi
1100.95 km
7.8 gal (US)
6.5 gal (Imp)
29.53 L
262.86 kWh
($19.34 total for this fill)
87.71 mpg (US)
105.25 mpg (Imp)
2.68 L/100 km
1.14 gal (US)/100 mi
384.24 Wh/mi
2010-07-19 514.7 mi
828.33 km
6 gal (US)
5 gal (Imp)
22.71 L
202.2 kWh
($14.87 total for this fill)
85.78 mpg (US)
102.94 mpg (Imp)
2.74 L/100 km
1.17 gal (US)/100 mi
392.85 Wh/mi
2010-07-15 587.7 mi
945.81 km
6.7 gal (US)
5.58 gal (Imp)
25.36 L
225.79 kWh
($16.21 total for this fill)
87.72 mpg (US)
105.32 mpg (Imp)
2.68 L/100 km
1.14 gal (US)/100 mi
384.19 Wh/mi
2010-07-08 765.5 mi
1231.95 km
8.9 gal (US)
7.41 gal (Imp)
33.69 L
299.93 kWh
($21.71 total for this fill)
86.01 mpg (US)
103.31 mpg (Imp)
2.73 L/100 km
1.16 gal (US)/100 mi
391.81 Wh/mi
2010-07-02 517 mi
832.03 km
6.2 gal (US)
5.16 gal (Imp)
23.47 L
208.94 kWh
($15.25 total for this fill)
83.39 mpg (US)
100.19 mpg (Imp)
2.82 L/100 km
1.2 gal (US)/100 mi
404.14 Wh/mi
2010-06-29 595.3 mi
958.04 km
7.8 gal (US)
6.5 gal (Imp)
29.53 L
262.86 kWh
($19.1 total for this fill)
76.32 mpg (US)
91.58 mpg (Imp)
3.08 L/100 km
1.31 gal (US)/100 mi
441.56 Wh/mi
2010-06-26 523 mi
841.69 km
6.6 gal (US)
5.49 gal (Imp)
24.98 L
222.42 kWh
($16.16 total for this fill)
79.24 mpg (US)
95.26 mpg (Imp)
2.97 L/100 km
1.26 gal (US)/100 mi
425.28 Wh/mi

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