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Fuel log graph
Efficiency log for: Tahoe - 1995 Chevrolet Tahoe LT
  • Lifetime Fuel Economy: 14.5 mpg (US), 16.2 L/100 km, 17.4 mpg (Imp)
  • 90-day Fuel Economy: 13.2 mpg (US), 17.8 L/100 km, 15.9 mpg (Imp)
  • 3-tank Fuel Economy: 13.2 mpg (US), 17.8 L/100 km, 15.9 mpg (Imp)
  • EPA Combined Rating / % over rating: 12 mpg (US) / 10.2% (based on 90-day fuel economy)
  • Total fills: 23
  • Average cost per gal/L: $3.03 per gal (US); $0.00 per L (price data entered for 23 fill/s)
  • Average cost per fill: $64.90
  • Average distance cost: $0.21 per mi. / $0.13 per km
  • Total fuel used: 493.01 gal (US), 1866.2 L
  • Total distance traveled: 7140.6 mi. / 11491.7 km
  • Total cost: $1,492.72
  • Total fuel saved vs. EPA: 102 gal. (US) / 386.1 L
  • Total saved: $309.06 (based on avg. cost per gal./L)
  • Average tank distance: 310.5 mi. / 499.6 km
Fill date Distance Fill amount Price Fuel Economy Details
2012-01-29 295 mi
474.76 km
23.03 gal (US)
19.18 gal (Imp)
87.18 L
776.11 kWh
($76.44 total for this fill)
12.81 mpg (US)
15.38 mpg (Imp)
18.36 L/100 km
7.81 gal (US)/100 mi
2630.88 Wh/mi
Just found out that was half a quart oil low and 1 quart of trans fluid low. Still has the shakes at 70mph and needs that alignment + noise is getting worse think it may be something silly like the shock loose. trying to use it less last lumberyard run is finished for now.
2012-01-19 347 mi
558.44 km
24.51 gal (US)
20.41 gal (Imp)
92.78 L
825.99 kWh
($78.9 total for this fill)
14.16 mpg (US)
17 mpg (Imp)
16.61 L/100 km
7.06 gal (US)/100 mi
2380.37 Wh/mi
Lots of driving, back and forth runs 30 mile sprints 6 times in one day drove way too fast and something in suspension is loose clunking + alignment is out pulling and shaking over 70mph.
2012-01-11 330 mi
531.08 km
25.96 gal (US)
21.62 gal (Imp)
98.27 L
874.85 kWh
($81.75 total for this fill)
12.71 mpg (US)
15.26 mpg (Imp)
18.5 L/100 km
7.87 gal (US)/100 mi
2651.06 Wh/mi
Truck sat parked for months broke her out for some towing and home depot runs. gas is several moths old
2011-10-30 281 mi
452.23 km
15.79 gal (US)
13.15 gal (Imp)
59.77 L
532.12 kWh
($59.99 total for this fill)
17.8 mpg (US)
21.37 mpg (Imp)
13.22 L/100 km
5.62 gal (US)/100 mi
1893.67 Wh/mi
I marked this as a partial fill up in my phone records truck still has fuel in it parked at Johns house while I repair his wagon.
2011-08-24 312 mi
502.12 km
24.25 gal (US)
20.19 gal (Imp)
91.8 L
817.23 kWh
($80 total for this fill)
12.87 mpg (US)
15.45 mpg (Imp)
18.28 L/100 km
7.77 gal (US)/100 mi
2619.33 Wh/mi
Idle has been very rough finally checked it out and found my distributor bolt is loose need to reset timing and check all of the plugs.
2011-06-28 276 mi
444.18 km
23.23 gal (US)
19.34 gal (Imp)
87.94 L
782.85 kWh
($80.82 total for this fill)
11.88 mpg (US)
14.27 mpg (Imp)
19.8 L/100 km
8.42 gal (US)/100 mi
2836.41 Wh/mi
Bought a cheap set of Wires for $15 from advance auto parts and a cheap set of monroe shocks for rear Cost $51.23 for all after discount coupons. Idle still seems rough need time to really figure out why it is not smooth.
2011-05-24 381 mi
613.16 km
25.2 gal (US)
20.98 gal (Imp)
95.39 L
849.24 kWh
($94.22 total for this fill)
15.12 mpg (US)
18.16 mpg (Imp)
15.56 L/100 km
6.61 gal (US)/100 mi
2228.98 Wh/mi
Truck not driven much it is in need of repair that was done today 5/24/11. Replaced front 2 shocks and stock original coil with BWD factory replacement total cost $38.98 for parts. Shocks so nice want new rear shocks now I am sure 1 is bad also need new wires they are looking real bad and very old.
2011-04-21 325 mi
523.04 km
23.92 gal (US)
19.92 gal (Imp)
90.55 L
806.1 kWh
($88 total for this fill)
13.59 mpg (US)
16.32 mpg (Imp)
17.31 L/100 km
7.36 gal (US)/100 mi
2480.31 Wh/mi
Swap Meet Weekend in the rain carried a couple thousand extra pounds. spent total 4 hours idling in traffic coming and going. All local driving, I miss the highway local sucks its too crowded here.
2011-03-23 141 mi
226.92 km
10.78 gal (US)
8.98 gal (Imp)
40.81 L
363.29 kWh
($35.99 total for this fill)
13.08 mpg (US)
15.7 mpg (Imp)
17.98 L/100 km
7.65 gal (US)/100 mi
2576.52 Wh/mi
Its April and snowing today rain + Sleet = traffic this just sucks garbage driving week...
2011-03-12 182 mi
292.9 km
12.12 gal (US)
10.09 gal (Imp)
45.88 L
408.44 kWh
($39.98 total for this fill)
15.02 mpg (US)
18.04 mpg (Imp)
15.66 L/100 km
6.66 gal (US)/100 mi
2244.18 Wh/mi
Light traffic drove around town all week truck needs front shocks handling is going to hell. Overdue for Oil change and need to check air pressure its been a while.

disappointed in the mpg with this tank but then again the station attendant squeezed in too much trying to even the price to $40 it may show on next tank.
2011-03-05 178 mi
286.46 km
25.78 gal (US)
21.47 gal (Imp)
97.59 L
868.79 kWh
($84.02 total for this fill)
6.9 mpg (US)
8.29 mpg (Imp)
34.07 L/100 km
14.48 gal (US)/100 mi
4880.84 Wh/mi
Filled to the top this time still needs an oil change and hauled around a few hundred pounds of auto parts finally removed the extra weight today 3-7-2011. Need to check tire pressure weather just plain sucks still 30-40 degrees at best windy as hell today 40+mph and flooding due to heavy rains not ideal to say the least what a crappy week of weather.
2011-02-20 465 mi
748.34 km
9.88 gal (US)
8.23 gal (Imp)
37.4 L
332.96 kWh
($30.03 total for this fill)
47.06 mpg (US)
56.5 mpg (Imp)
5 L/100 km
2.12 gal (US)/100 mi
716.04 Wh/mi
Partial add to the tank, we are not allowed to pump our own fuel the halfwitt at the pump got me to 3/4 of a tank the next fill up will balance out the #s properly.
2011-01-10 238.4 mi
383.67 km
20.47 gal (US)
17.05 gal (Imp)
77.49 L
689.84 kWh
($59.98 total for this fill)
11.65 mpg (US)
13.98 mpg (Imp)
20.2 L/100 km
8.59 gal (US)/100 mi
2893.62 Wh/mi
a month of only driving in 4wd only when needed. Alot of Idling tires were filled up entire tank wa @30lbs. 4 big snow storms more to come Not driving with mpg's in mind just point A to B with crap traffic.
2010-12-10 378.1 mi
608.49 km
24.3 gal (US)
20.23 gal (Imp)
91.99 L
818.91 kWh
($68.99 total for this fill)
15.56 mpg (US)
18.69 mpg (Imp)
15.12 L/100 km
6.43 gal (US)/100 mi
2165.86 Wh/mi
320 mile highway trip to Albany up the catskill mountains 30 mins stop and go traffic some bad speeding habits apx. 20 mins of idiling trying to keep warm. Speed 65-75 mph

65mph truck turns 1700rpm 70mph it turns 1900rpm
2010-12-08 328.1 mi
528.03 km
21.82 gal (US)
18.17 gal (Imp)
82.6 L
735.33 kWh
($63.06 total for this fill)
15.04 mpg (US)
18.06 mpg (Imp)
15.64 L/100 km
6.65 gal (US)/100 mi
2241.18 Wh/mi
mix driving half and half
2010-11-29 311 mi
500.51 km
24.27 gal (US)
20.21 gal (Imp)
91.87 L
817.9 kWh
($67.93 total for this fill)
12.81 mpg (US)
15.39 mpg (Imp)
18.36 L/100 km
7.8 gal (US)/100 mi
2629.9 Wh/mi
Trailered car found tires to be Very low on air... most around town driving
2010-11-06 376 mi
605.11 km
24.69 gal (US)
20.56 gal (Imp)
93.46 L
832.05 kWh
($66.64 total for this fill)
15.23 mpg (US)
18.29 mpg (Imp)
15.45 L/100 km
6.57 gal (US)/100 mi
2212.9 Wh/mi
True Mix of highway and in town driving first full fill up since exhaust completion Highway speeds 72mph
2010-10-30 275 mi
442.57 km
18.55 gal (US)
15.45 gal (Imp)
70.22 L
625.14 kWh
($49.16 total for this fill)
14.82 mpg (US)
17.8 mpg (Imp)
15.87 L/100 km
6.75 gal (US)/100 mi
2273.24 Wh/mi
fixed junk design of exhaust and changed air filter STP stock replacement
2010-10-21 320 mi
514.99 km
26.94 gal (US)
22.43 gal (Imp)
101.98 L
907.88 kWh
($73.25 total for this fill)
11.88 mpg (US)
14.27 mpg (Imp)
19.8 L/100 km
8.42 gal (US)/100 mi
2837.13 Wh/mi
motorcycle use didn't drive truck much
2010-09-26 330 mi
531.08 km
25.08 gal (US)
20.88 gal (Imp)
94.94 L
845.2 kWh
($59.16 total for this fill)
13.16 mpg (US)
15.8 mpg (Imp)
17.88 L/100 km
7.6 gal (US)/100 mi
2561.21 Wh/mi
daily commute
2010-09-10 361 mi
580.97 km
25.37 gal (US)
21.13 gal (Imp)
96.04 L
854.97 kWh
($61.88 total for this fill)
14.23 mpg (US)
17.08 mpg (Imp)
16.53 L/100 km
7.03 gal (US)/100 mi
2368.34 Wh/mi
Back to reality Daycare and the train station daily drive
2010-09-02 487 mi
783.75 km
24.57 gal (US)
20.46 gal (Imp)
93.01 L
828.01 kWh
($61.4 total for this fill)
19.82 mpg (US)
23.8 mpg (Imp)
11.87 L/100 km
5.05 gal (US)/100 mi
1700.23 Wh/mi
return trip from OBX trip all highway driving little to no traffic finish all levels checked and driving straight with 1 highway stops for quick snack 60-65mph drive home.
2010-08-28 223 mi
358.88 km
12.5 gal (US)
10.41 gal (Imp)
47.32 L
421.25 kWh
($31.13 total for this fill)
17.84 mpg (US)
21.42 mpg (Imp)
13.19 L/100 km
5.61 gal (US)/100 mi
1889.01 Wh/mi
Road trip to OBX several days on beach lots of idling and 4wd use painful trip to Kittyhawk hospital with mom

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