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Fuel log graph
Efficiency log for: MULE VX - 1992 Honda civic VX
  • Lifetime Fuel Economy: 85.4 mpg (US), 2.8 L/100 km, 102.6 mpg (Imp)
  • 90-day Fuel Economy: 92.6 mpg (US), 2.5 L/100 km, 111.2 mpg (Imp)
  • 3-tank Fuel Economy: 90.2 mpg (US), 2.6 L/100 km, 108.3 mpg (Imp)
  • EPA Combined Rating / % over rating: 43 mpg (US) / 115.3% (based on 90-day fuel economy)
  • Total fills: 78
  • Average cost per gal/L: $2.95 per gal (US); $0.00 per L (price data entered for 73 fill/s)
  • Average cost per fill: $13.89
  • Average distance cost: $0.03 per mi. / $0.02 per km
  • Total fuel used: 393.2 gal (US), 1488.4 L
  • Total distance traveled: 33591 mi. / 54059.6 km
  • Total cost: $1,014.30
  • Total fuel saved vs. EPA: 388 gal. (US) / 1468.7 L
  • Total saved: $1144.6 (based on avg. cost per gal./L)
  • Average tank distance: 430.7 mi. / 693.1 km
Fill date Distance Fill amount Price Fuel Economy Details
2016-09-17 764.61 mi
1230.52 km
8.353 gal (US)
6.96 gal (Imp)
31.62 L
281.5 kWh
($18.62 total for this fill)
91.54 mpg (US)
109.86 mpg (Imp)
2.57 L/100 km
1.09 gal (US)/100 mi
368.16 Wh/mi
Temps 74 to 96 degrees
Hot and dry

133.81 EOC miles (17.50% of tank miles)

Average of 45 MPH per MPGuino
2016-07-21 774.26 mi
1246.05 km
8.265 gal (US)
6.88 gal (Imp)
31.29 L
278.53 kWh
($19 total for this fill)
93.68 mpg (US)
112.54 mpg (Imp)
2.51 L/100 km
1.07 gal (US)/100 mi
359.74 Wh/mi
temps 82 to 96 degrees

calm, clear and hot

149.12 EOC miles (19.25% of tank miles)

average of 44 MPH per MPGuino
2016-05-30 805.79 mi
1296.79 km
9.39 gal (US)
7.82 gal (Imp)
35.55 L
316.44 kWh
($21.59 total for this fill)
85.81 mpg (US)
103.04 mpg (Imp)
2.74 L/100 km
1.17 gal (US)/100 mi
392.71 Wh/mi
Temps 48 to 86 degrees

300 miles of rain and wet roads

152.59 EOC miles (18.94% of tank miles)

average of 44MPH per the MPGuino
2016-04-13 897.6 mi
1444.55 km
10.608 gal (US)
8.83 gal (Imp)
40.16 L
357.49 kWh
($22.48 total for this fill)
84.62 mpg (US)
101.65 mpg (Imp)
2.78 L/100 km
1.18 gal (US)/100 mi
398.27 Wh/mi
Temps 41 to 77 degrees

some rain and construction delays

EOC miles (18.22% of tank miles)

average of 43 MPH per the MPGuino
2016-02-19 778.16 mi
1252.33 km
9.078 gal (US)
7.56 gal (Imp)
34.36 L
305.93 kWh
($17.24 total for this fill)
85.72 mpg (US)
102.93 mpg (Imp)
2.74 L/100 km
1.17 gal (US)/100 mi
393.15 Wh/mi
Temps 34 to 70 degrees

warmer temps, lots of wind, some rain

EOC miles 134.11 (17.23% of tank miles

Average of 44 MPH per MPGuino
2016-01-17 755.74 mi
1216.25 km
8.976 gal (US)
7.47 gal (Imp)
33.98 L
302.49 kWh
($20.64 total for this fill)
84.2 mpg (US)
101.17 mpg (Imp)
2.79 L/100 km
1.19 gal (US)/100 mi
400.26 Wh/mi
Temps 25 to 54 degrees

127.95 EOC miles (16.9% of tank miles)

Average of 43 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-10-31 673.55 mi
1083.97 km
8.322 gal (US)
6.93 gal (Imp)
31.5 L
280.45 kWh
($18.97 total for this fill)
80.94 mpg (US)
97.19 mpg (Imp)
2.91 L/100 km
1.24 gal (US)/100 mi
416.38 Wh/mi
Temps 47 to 82 degrees

500 miles of constant rain and wind

94.22 EOC miles (14% of tank miles

average of 45 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-10-09 644.19 mi
1036.72 km
6.721 gal (US)
5.6 gal (Imp)
25.44 L
226.5 kWh
($15.99 total for this fill)
95.85 mpg (US)
115.03 mpg (Imp)
2.45 L/100 km
1.04 gal (US)/100 mi
351.6 Wh/mi
Temps 57 to 89 degrees

Warmer temps, mild wind, no rain

EOC miles 137.55 (21.35% of tank miles)

Average of 40 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-08-28 549.57 mi
884.45 km
5.95 gal (US)
4.95 gal (Imp)
22.52 L
200.52 kWh
($15.17 total for this fill)
92.36 mpg (US)
111.02 mpg (Imp)
2.55 L/100 km
1.08 gal (US)/100 mi
364.87 Wh/mi
Temps 55 to 90 degrees
Dry and clear with headwinds every afternoon
EOC miles 109.32 (19.91% of tank miles)
Average of 41 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-08-15 663.92 mi
1068.48 km
7.537 gal (US)
6.28 gal (Imp)
28.53 L
254 kWh
($18.83 total for this fill)
88.09 mpg (US)
105.72 mpg (Imp)
2.67 L/100 km
1.14 gal (US)/100 mi
382.58 Wh/mi
Temps 64 to 95 degrees
hot and dry, moderate head wind for 250 miles of this tank
129.06 EOC miles (19.44 % of tank miles)

average of 39 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-08-01 674.2 mi
1085.02 km
7.22 gal (US)
6.01 gal (Imp)
27.33 L
243.31 kWh
($18.04 total for this fill)
93.38 mpg (US)
112.18 mpg (Imp)
2.52 L/100 km
1.07 gal (US)/100 mi
360.89 Wh/mi
Temps 68 to 96 degrees
Hot and clear, some headwinds in afternoon

128.26 EOC miles (19% of tank miles)

Average of 41 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-07-10 657.77 mi
1058.58 km
7.058 gal (US)
5.88 gal (Imp)
26.72 L
237.85 kWh
($17.64 total for this fill)
93.19 mpg (US)
111.87 mpg (Imp)
2.52 L/100 km
1.07 gal (US)/100 mi
361.6 Wh/mi
Temps 72 to 95 degrees

Lots of hot weather with little wind or rain

128.18 EOC miles (19.49% of tank miles)

average of 41 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-06-27 658.37 mi
1059.54 km
7.16 gal (US)
5.96 gal (Imp)
27.1 L
241.29 kWh
($17.89 total for this fill)
91.95 mpg (US)
110.46 mpg (Imp)
2.56 L/100 km
1.09 gal (US)/100 mi
366.5 Wh/mi
Temps 72 to 95 degrees

Conditions were almost like August, hot, hot, hot
mild winds and I missed all the rain

126.37 EOC Miles (19.19% of tank miles)

Average speed of 40MPH per the MPGuino
2015-06-21 472.5 mi
760.42 km
4.885 gal (US)
4.07 gal (Imp)
18.49 L
164.62 kWh
($12.21 total for this fill)
96.72 mpg (US)
116.09 mpg (Imp)
2.43 L/100 km
1.03 gal (US)/100 mi
348.4 Wh/mi
Temps 74 to 95 degrees

Mostly clear skies and mild wind, hot and humid

89 EOC miles (18.83% of tank miles)

average of 39 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-06-01 341.95 mi
550.32 km
4.182 gal (US)
3.48 gal (Imp)
15.83 L
140.93 kWh
($10.45 total for this fill)
81.77 mpg (US)
98.26 mpg (Imp)
2.88 L/100 km
1.22 gal (US)/100 mi
412.14 Wh/mi
Temps 64 to 83 degrees

heavy rain for 100 miles of this tank

EOC miles 63.60 (18.60% of tank miles)

Average of 41 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-05-29 327.75 mi
527.46 km
3.662 gal (US)
3.05 gal (Imp)
13.86 L
123.41 kWh
($9.15 total for this fill)
89.5 mpg (US)
107.46 mpg (Imp)
2.63 L/100 km
1.12 gal (US)/100 mi
376.54 Wh/mi
Temps 64 to 85 degrees

Clear weather and mild winds

EOC miles (19.55% of tank miles)

Average speed of 41 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-05-24 355.79 mi
572.59 km
3.447 gal (US)
2.87 gal (Imp)
13.05 L
116.16 kWh
($8.61 total for this fill)
103.22 mpg (US)
123.97 mpg (Imp)
2.28 L/100 km
0.97 gal (US)/100 mi
326.48 Wh/mi
Temps 50 to 85 degrees
clear with 100 miles of mild tailwind.

65.58 EOC miles (18.4% of tank miles)

Average speed of 41 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-05-21 329.1 mi
529.64 km
3.519 gal (US)
2.93 gal (Imp)
13.32 L
118.59 kWh
($8.79 total for this fill)
93.52 mpg (US)
112.32 mpg (Imp)
2.51 L/100 km
1.07 gal (US)/100 mi
360.35 Wh/mi
Temps 50 to 83 degrees

some rain and wind

63.95 EOC miles (19.43% of tank miles)

Average of 42 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-05-14 329.06 mi
529.57 km
3.621 gal (US)
3.02 gal (Imp)
13.71 L
122.03 kWh
($9.05 total for this fill)
90.88 mpg (US)
108.96 mpg (Imp)
2.59 L/100 km
1.1 gal (US)/100 mi
370.84 Wh/mi
Temps 57 to 77 degrees

Light winds and 50 miles of rain

EOC miles 63.32 (19.24 % of tank miles)

Average of 42 MPH per the MPGuiono
2015-05-11 339.9 mi
547.02 km
3.81 gal (US)
3.17 gal (Imp)
14.42 L
128.4 kWh
($9.52 total for this fill)
89.21 mpg (US)
107.22 mpg (Imp)
2.64 L/100 km
1.12 gal (US)/100 mi
377.76 Wh/mi
Temps 55 to 85 degrees

Light wind and no rain

EOC miles 63.69 (18.74% of tank miles)

Average of 41 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-05-04 339.04 mi
545.63 km
3.661 gal (US)
3.05 gal (Imp)
13.86 L
123.38 kWh
($8.34 total for this fill)
92.61 mpg (US)
111.16 mpg (Imp)
2.54 L/100 km
1.08 gal (US)/100 mi
363.91 Wh/mi
Temps 47 to 84 degrees

Mostly clear and more warm days

EOC miles 62.26 (18.4% of tank miles)

Average of 42 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-05-01 326.04 mi
524.71 km
3.315 gal (US)
2.76 gal (Imp)
12.55 L
111.72 kWh
($7.55 total for this fill)
98.35 mpg (US)
118.13 mpg (Imp)
2.39 L/100 km
1.02 gal (US)/100 mi
342.66 Wh/mi
Temps 51 to 75 degrees

Some mild headwinds

EOC miles 60.65 (18.6% of tank miles)

Average MPH of 41 per MPGuino
2015-04-26 340.75 mi
548.38 km
3.927 gal (US)
3.27 gal (Imp)
14.87 L
132.34 kWh
($8.95 total for this fill)
86.77 mpg (US)
104.2 mpg (Imp)
2.71 L/100 km
1.15 gal (US)/100 mi
388.38 Wh/mi
Temps 52 to 74

Rain and some strong head winds

EOC miles 60.17 (17.7% of tank miles)

Average MPH of 41 per the MPGuino
2015-04-21 340.01 mi
547.19 km
3.447 gal (US)
2.87 gal (Imp)
13.05 L
116.16 kWh
($7.86 total for this fill)
98.64 mpg (US)
118.47 mpg (Imp)
2.38 L/100 km
1.01 gal (US)/100 mi
341.64 Wh/mi
Temps 52 to 74 degrees

Some rain and 100 miles of moderate tail wind

EOC miles 60.89 (17.9% of tank miles)

Average speed of 41 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-04-18 326.11 mi
524.82 km
3.641 gal (US)
3.03 gal (Imp)
13.78 L
122.7 kWh
($8.3 total for this fill)
89.57 mpg (US)
107.63 mpg (Imp)
2.63 L/100 km
1.12 gal (US)/100 mi
376.25 Wh/mi
Temps 47 to 82 degrees
rain and road construction delays

EOC miles 55.76 (17.1% of tank miles)

Average of 39 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-04-10 326.34 mi
525.19 km
3.804 gal (US)
3.17 gal (Imp)
14.4 L
128.19 kWh
($8.67 total for this fill)
85.79 mpg (US)
102.95 mpg (Imp)
2.74 L/100 km
1.17 gal (US)/100 mi
392.81 Wh/mi
Temps 42 to 73 degrees

Rain and wind

EOC miles 58.13 (17.8% of tank miles

Average of 40 mpg per the MPGuino
2015-04-06 349.13 mi
561.87 km
4.231 gal (US)
3.52 gal (Imp)
16.02 L
142.58 kWh
($9.64 total for this fill)
82.52 mpg (US)
99.18 mpg (Imp)
2.85 L/100 km
1.21 gal (US)/100 mi
408.39 Wh/mi
Temps 37 to 72 degrees

Lots of rain and wind

EOC miles 52.6 (15% of tank miles)

Average of 39 MPH per MPGuino
2015-04-01 325.84 mi
524.39 km
3.376 gal (US)
2.81 gal (Imp)
12.78 L
113.77 kWh
($7.69 total for this fill)
96.52 mpg (US)
115.96 mpg (Imp)
2.44 L/100 km
1.04 gal (US)/100 mi
349.16 Wh/mi
Temps 47 to 84 degrees
Warm afternoon temps, no rain and mild winds

63.65 EOC miles (19.5% of tank miles)

Average of 40 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-03-26 340.2 mi
547.5 km
3.825 gal (US)
3.19 gal (Imp)
14.48 L
128.9 kWh
($8.72 total for this fill)
88.94 mpg (US)
106.65 mpg (Imp)
2.64 L/100 km
1.12 gal (US)/100 mi
378.89 Wh/mi
Temps 47 to 70 degrees

rain and wind for most of tank

EOC miles 55.27 (16.24% of tank miles

Average of 41 MPH per MPGuino
2015-03-20 348.62 mi
561.05 km
3.876 gal (US)
3.23 gal (Imp)
14.67 L
130.62 kWh
($8.83 total for this fill)
89.94 mpg (US)
107.93 mpg (Imp)
2.61 L/100 km
1.11 gal (US)/100 mi
374.68 Wh/mi
Temps 48 to 64 degrees
some rain with light wind

EOC miles 60.78 (17.4% of tank miles)

Average speed of 40 MPH per MPGuino
2015-03-14 340.35 mi
547.74 km
3.858 gal (US)
3.21 gal (Imp)
14.6 L
130.01 kWh
($8.79 total for this fill)
88.22 mpg (US)
106.03 mpg (Imp)
2.67 L/100 km
1.13 gal (US)/100 mi
381.99 Wh/mi
Temps 27 to 63 degrees

Most of the miles driven in temps
above 50 degrees. Some rain

EOC miles 55.89 (16.42% of tank miles)

Average speed of 40 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-02-27 354.74 mi
570.9 km
4.498 gal (US)
3.75 gal (Imp)
17.03 L
151.58 kWh
($10.25 total for this fill)
78.87 mpg (US)
94.6 mpg (Imp)
2.98 L/100 km
1.27 gal (US)/100 mi
427.3 Wh/mi
Temps 16 to 44 degrees
rain, snow, and strong wind

EOC miles 48.31 (13.7% of tank miles)

Average of 41 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-02-11 340.05 mi
547.26 km
3.98 gal (US)
3.31 gal (Imp)
15.07 L
134.13 kWh
($8.99 total for this fill)
85.44 mpg (US)
102.73 mpg (Imp)
2.75 L/100 km
1.17 gal (US)/100 mi
394.44 Wh/mi
Temps 19 to 60 degrees
Two trips with temps in the 45 to 55 degree range. No rain, some wind

EOC miles 55.56 (16.34% of tank miles)

41 MPH average per MPGuino
2015-01-28 462.28 mi
743.97 km
5.74 gal (US)
4.78 gal (Imp)
21.73 L
193.44 kWh
80.54 mpg (US)
96.71 mpg (Imp)
2.92 L/100 km
1.24 gal (US)/100 mi
418.45 Wh/mi
Temps 24 to 53 degrees

EOC miles 71.21 (15.4% of tank miles)

Average of 40 MPH per MPGuino
2015-01-17 343.38 mi
552.62 km
4.131 gal (US)
3.44 gal (Imp)
15.64 L
139.21 kWh
83.12 mpg (US)
99.82 mpg (Imp)
2.83 L/100 km
1.2 gal (US)/100 mi
405.41 Wh/mi
Temps 17 to 60 degrees
Most miles this tank done below 32 degree temps with 100 miles of rain and moderate winds

EOC miles 47.41 (13.8 % of tank miles)

average of 40 MPH per MPGuino
2015-01-04 375.83 mi
604.84 km
4.641 gal (US)
3.86 gal (Imp)
17.57 L
156.4 kWh
80.98 mpg (US)
97.37 mpg (Imp)
2.9 L/100 km
1.23 gal (US)/100 mi
416.15 Wh/mi
Temps 24 to 55 degrees
Most of this tank run in rain, wind, and temps
in the 30's. several short trips w/o pre-heat.

EOC miles 48.82 (13% of tank miles)

Average of 38 MPH per MPGuino
2014-12-26 326.02 mi
524.68 km
3.63 gal (US)
3.02 gal (Imp)
13.74 L
122.33 kWh
89.81 mpg (US)
107.95 mpg (Imp)
2.62 L/100 km
1.11 gal (US)/100 mi
375.22 Wh/mi
Temps 34 to 62 degrees
Mild temps, mild wind and no rain

EOC miles 55.08 (16.9% of tank miles)

Average of 39 mpg per MPGuino
2014-12-12 343.38 mi
552.62 km
4.202 gal (US)
3.5 gal (Imp)
15.91 L
141.61 kWh
($15.12 total for this fill)
81.72 mpg (US)
98.11 mpg (Imp)
2.88 L/100 km
1.22 gal (US)/100 mi
412.4 Wh/mi
Temps 29 to 48 degrees

Cold and windy with several short in town trips

EOC miles 50.67 (14.76% of tank miles)

average of 40 MPH per the MPGuino
2014-12-09 322.67 mi
519.29 km
3.815 gal (US)
3.18 gal (Imp)
14.44 L
128.57 kWh
($13.73 total for this fill)
84.58 mpg (US)
101.47 mpg (Imp)
2.78 L/100 km
1.18 gal (US)/100 mi
398.46 Wh/mi
Temps 29 to 61 degrees

colder with moderate wind and some rain

51.61 EOC miles (16% of tank miles)

Average of 41 MPH per the MPGuino
2014-12-05 325.91 mi
524.5 km
3.669 gal (US)
3.06 gal (Imp)
13.89 L
123.65 kWh
($13.2 total for this fill)
88.83 mpg (US)
106.51 mpg (Imp)
2.65 L/100 km
1.13 gal (US)/100 mi
379.4 Wh/mi
Temps 38 to 64 degrees

Mild temps, but light rain for 100 miles

53.25 EOC miles (16.34% of tank miles)

Average of 40 MPH per MPGuino
2014-11-30 326.29 mi
525.11 km
3.741 gal (US)
3.11 gal (Imp)
14.16 L
126.07 kWh
($13.28 total for this fill)
87.22 mpg (US)
104.92 mpg (Imp)
2.7 L/100 km
1.15 gal (US)/100 mi
386.37 Wh/mi
Temps 22 to 68 degrees
Mostly clear with some strong wind
EOC miles 54.3 (16.64% of tank miles)

Averaged 40 MPH per the MPGuino

This was the first fill-up after installing oil
and water pre-heaters and alternator delete
with 214 AH battery
2014-09-30 354.89 mi
571.14 km
3.7 gal (US)
3.08 gal (Imp)
14.01 L
124.69 kWh
($13.32 total for this fill)
95.92 mpg (US)
115.22 mpg (Imp)
2.45 L/100 km
1.04 gal (US)/100 mi
351.35 Wh/mi
Temps 56 to 88 degrees
Warmer, dry, clear, calm winds, moderate humidity
EOC miles 71.70 (20.20% of tank miles)
2014-09-26 327.55 mi
527.14 km
3.57 gal (US)
2.97 gal (Imp)
13.51 L
120.31 kWh
($12.85 total for this fill)
91.75 mpg (US)
110.29 mpg (Imp)
2.56 L/100 km
1.09 gal (US)/100 mi
367.3 Wh/mi
Temps 55 to 82 degrees
Clear, calm winds, low humidity

EOC miles 65.40 (19.97% of tank miles)
2014-09-22 341.16 mi
549.04 km
3.8 gal (US)
3.16 gal (Imp)
14.38 L
128.06 kWh
($13.56 total for this fill)
89.78 mpg (US)
107.96 mpg (Imp)
2.62 L/100 km
1.11 gal (US)/100 mi
375.37 Wh/mi
Temps 59 to 87 degrees

Warm, clear, little wind, low humidity

EOC miles 64.33 (18.9% of tank miles)
2014-09-17 328.31 mi
528.36 km
3.57 gal (US)
2.97 gal (Imp)
13.51 L
120.31 kWh
($12.85 total for this fill)
91.96 mpg (US)
110.54 mpg (Imp)
2.56 L/100 km
1.09 gal (US)/100 mi
366.45 Wh/mi
Temps 66 to 84
Dry, clear, cooler, very little wind

EOC miles62.17 (18.9% of tank miles)
2014-09-14 339.8 mi
546.86 km
4.05 gal (US)
3.37 gal (Imp)
15.33 L
136.49 kWh
($14.21 total for this fill)
83.9 mpg (US)
100.83 mpg (Imp)
2.8 L/100 km
1.19 gal (US)/100 mi
401.68 Wh/mi
Temps 54 to 91 degrees
One damp, windy day, overall temps have been

EOC miles 57.3 (16.9% of tank miles)
2014-09-09 326.45 mi
525.37 km
3.49 gal (US)
2.91 gal (Imp)
13.21 L
117.61 kWh
($12.53 total for this fill)
93.54 mpg (US)
112.18 mpg (Imp)
2.51 L/100 km
1.07 gal (US)/100 mi
360.27 Wh/mi
Temps 77 to 95 degrees
Hot, clear, mild wind with lower humidity

Two 108 mile trips were run in perfect hypermile

EOC miles 64.60 (19.78% of tank miles)
2014-09-06 327.85 mi
527.62 km
4.15 gal (US)
3.46 gal (Imp)
15.71 L
139.86 kWh
($15.72 total for this fill)
79 mpg (US)
94.75 mpg (Imp)
2.98 L/100 km
1.27 gal (US)/100 mi
426.6 Wh/mi
Temps 74 to 96 degrees
Heavy rain and wind for one 54 mile trip
EOC miles 55.65 (17% of tank miles)
2014-09-03 339.42 mi
546.24 km
3.97 gal (US)
3.31 gal (Imp)
15.03 L
133.79 kWh
($14.25 total for this fill)
85.5 mpg (US)
102.54 mpg (Imp)
2.75 L/100 km
1.17 gal (US)/100 mi
394.17 Wh/mi
Temps 75 to 95 degrees
Hot, humid, rain one day
EOC miles 53.72 (15.8% of tank miles)
2014-08-29 327.88 mi
527.67 km
3.85 gal (US)
3.2 gal (Imp)
14.57 L
129.75 kWh
($13.82 total for this fill)
85.16 mpg (US)
102.46 mpg (Imp)
2.76 L/100 km
1.17 gal (US)/100 mi
395.72 Wh/mi
Temps 70 to 97 degrees
Hot, less humid, clear
63.39 EOC miles (19.33% of tank miles)
2014-08-26 335.67 mi
540.21 km
3.95 gal (US)
3.29 gal (Imp)
14.95 L
133.12 kWh
($14.18 total for this fill)
84.98 mpg (US)
102.03 mpg (Imp)
2.77 L/100 km
1.18 gal (US)/100 mi
396.58 Wh/mi
Temps 76 to 98 degrees
Hot, humid, clear w/cross winds
Construction delays on freeway
63.72 EOC miles (18.98% of tank miles)
2014-08-23 327 mi
526.26 km
3.54 gal (US)
2.95 gal (Imp)
13.4 L
119.3 kWh
($12.71 total for this fill)
92.37 mpg (US)
110.85 mpg (Imp)
2.55 L/100 km
1.08 gal (US)/100 mi
364.83 Wh/mi
Temps 77 to 98 degrees
Hot, humid and clear
51.36 EOC miles (15.70% of tank miles)
2014-08-19 337.58 mi
543.28 km
3.97 gal (US)
3.31 gal (Imp)
15.03 L
133.79 kWh
($14.25 total for this fill)
85.03 mpg (US)
101.99 mpg (Imp)
2.77 L/100 km
1.18 gal (US)/100 mi
396.32 Wh/mi
Temps 70 to94 degrees
Rain, moderate head and cross winds
55.19 EOC miles (16.35% of tank miles)
2014-08-14 327.79 mi
527.53 km
3.8 gal (US)
3.16 gal (Imp)
14.38 L
128.06 kWh
($13.64 total for this fill)
86.26 mpg (US)
103.73 mpg (Imp)
2.73 L/100 km
1.16 gal (US)/100 mi
390.68 Wh/mi
Cooler temps 59 to 85 degrees
Clear, low humidity, moderate cross winds all week.
60.57 EOC miles (18.48% of tank miles)
2014-08-08 391.33 mi
629.78 km
4.385 gal (US)
3.65 gal (Imp)
16.6 L
147.77 kWh
($15.74 total for this fill)
89.24 mpg (US)
107.21 mpg (Imp)
2.64 L/100 km
1.12 gal (US)/100 mi
377.61 Wh/mi
Temps 76 to 95 degrees
Warm, clear, mild wind, and humid
EOC miles 81.11 (20.7%of tank miles)
2014-08-03 363.97 mi
585.75 km
4.26 gal (US)
3.55 gal (Imp)
16.13 L
143.56 kWh
($15.29 total for this fill)
85.44 mpg (US)
102.53 mpg (Imp)
2.75 L/100 km
1.17 gal (US)/100 mi
394.43 Wh/mi
Temps 65 to 95 degrees
warm, clear, mild winds, lower humidity
EOC miles 71.50 (19.64% of tank miles)
2014-07-27 341.49 mi
549.57 km
3.621 gal (US)
3.02 gal (Imp)
13.71 L
122.03 kWh
($13.25 total for this fill)
94.31 mpg (US)
113.08 mpg (Imp)
2.49 L/100 km
1.06 gal (US)/100 mi
357.35 Wh/mi
Temps 75 to 95 degrees
clear, warm, calm, but high humidity
great hypermiling weather
EOC 68.40 miles (20% of tank miles)
2014-07-18 356.4 mi
573.57 km
4.865 gal (US)
4.05 gal (Imp)
18.42 L
163.95 kWh
($17.8 total for this fill)
73.26 mpg (US)
88 mpg (Imp)
3.21 L/100 km
1.37 gal (US)/100 mi
460.02 Wh/mi
Temps 65 to 80 degrees
Cool and rain
57.87 EOC miles (16.24% of tank miles)
several short trips in town
2014-07-06 356.01 mi
572.94 km
3.949 gal (US)
3.29 gal (Imp)
14.95 L
133.08 kWh
($14.45 total for this fill)
90.15 mpg (US)
108.21 mpg (Imp)
2.61 L/100 km
1.11 gal (US)/100 mi
373.81 Wh/mi
Temps 60 to 92 degrees
Perfect weather, dry, clear and warm!
Very light traffic on this holiday weekend
66.18 EOC miles (18.59% of tank miles)
2014-07-03 341.08 mi
548.92 km
3.772 gal (US)
3.14 gal (Imp)
14.28 L
127.12 kWh
($13.8 total for this fill)
90.42 mpg (US)
108.62 mpg (Imp)
2.6 L/100 km
1.11 gal (US)/100 mi
372.7 Wh/mi
Temps 70 to 92 degrees
2 very humid days and 1 clear and dry day
64.82 EOC miles (19% of tank miles)
I think this was a short fill. MPGunio said
83 MPG
2014-06-27 341.08 mi
548.92 km
4.127 gal (US)
3.44 gal (Imp)
15.62 L
139.08 kWh
($15.1 total for this fill)
82.65 mpg (US)
99.15 mpg (Imp)
2.85 L/100 km
1.21 gal (US)/100 mi
407.76 Wh/mi
Temps 74 to 94 degrees
Rain and high humidity
EOC miles 64.82 (19% of tank miles)
2014-06-24 333.32 mi
536.43 km
4.058 gal (US)
3.38 gal (Imp)
15.36 L
136.75 kWh
($14.85 total for this fill)
82.14 mpg (US)
98.62 mpg (Imp)
2.86 L/100 km
1.22 gal (US)/100 mi
410.27 Wh/mi
Temps 72 to 92 degrees
Rain and very humid
EOC miles 64.38 (19.31% of tank miles)
2014-06-20 352.85 mi
567.86 km
4.154 gal (US)
3.46 gal (Imp)
15.72 L
139.99 kWh
($15.2 total for this fill)
84.94 mpg (US)
101.98 mpg (Imp)
2.77 L/100 km
1.18 gal (US)/100 mi
396.74 Wh/mi
Temps 72 to 92 degrees
Sunny and calm winds, high humidity
EOC miles 66.27 (18.78% of tank miles)
2014-06-17 356.94 mi
574.44 km
4.591 gal (US)
3.82 gal (Imp)
17.38 L
154.72 kWh
($16.8 total for this fill)
77.75 mpg (US)
93.44 mpg (Imp)
3.03 L/100 km
1.29 gal (US)/100 mi
433.46 Wh/mi
Temps 68 to 92 degrees
Mostly sunny and humid
EOC miles 64.79 (18.2% of tank miles
This tank did even out for short fill
on last tank.
2014-06-12 345.77 mi
556.46 km
3.35 gal (US)
2.79 gal (Imp)
12.68 L
112.9 kWh
($12.6 total for this fill)
103.21 mpg (US)
123.93 mpg (Imp)
2.28 L/100 km
0.97 gal (US)/100 mi
326.52 Wh/mi
Temps 65 to 86 degrees
EOC miles 58.83 (17.01% of tank miles)
This was a short fill on a new pump.
I found source for zero ethanol
2014-06-07 341.02 mi
548.82 km
5.015 gal (US)
4.18 gal (Imp)
18.98 L
169.01 kWh
($17.85 total for this fill)
68 mpg (US)
81.58 mpg (Imp)
3.46 L/100 km
1.47 gal (US)/100 mi
495.6 Wh/mi
Temps 68 to 92 degrees
Heavy rain and strong winds
Ran A/C for 150 miles to "defog"
EOC miles 43.48 (12.7% of tank miles)
It happens!
2014-06-03 344.1 mi
553.78 km
4.346 gal (US)
3.62 gal (Imp)
16.45 L
146.46 kWh
($15.47 total for this fill)
79.18 mpg (US)
95.06 mpg (Imp)
2.97 L/100 km
1.26 gal (US)/100 mi
425.63 Wh/mi
Temp 67 to 90 degrees
Some rain every day
EOC miles 47.6 (13.8% of tank miles)
Several in town short trips
2014-05-30 428.44 mi
689.51 km
5.268 gal (US)
4.39 gal (Imp)
19.94 L
177.53 kWh
($20.49 total for this fill)
81.33 mpg (US)
97.59 mpg (Imp)
2.89 L/100 km
1.23 gal (US)/100 mi
414.36 Wh/mi
Temps 65 to 82
some rain
EOC miles 56.37 (13.15% of tank miles)
2014-05-26 159.8 mi
257.17 km
1.505 gal (US)
1.25 gal (Imp)
5.7 L
50.72 kWh
($5.1 total for this fill)
106.18 mpg (US)
127.84 mpg (Imp)
2.22 L/100 km
0.94 gal (US)/100 mi
317.4 Wh/mi
This was the top off after the end of the event
2014-05-26 105 mi
168.98 km
1.429 gal (US)
1.19 gal (Imp)
5.41 L
48.16 kWh
($4.84 total for this fill)
73.48 mpg (US)
88.24 mpg (Imp)
3.2 L/100 km
1.36 gal (US)/100 mi
458.67 Wh/mi
This was my "top off" to start the
1st annual Natchez Trace Eco Run
after driving to the event in
Tupelo, MS
2014-05-25 546 mi
878.7 km
6.72 gal (US)
5.6 gal (Imp)
25.44 L
226.46 kWh
($26.14 total for this fill)
81.25 mpg (US)
97.5 mpg (Imp)
2.9 L/100 km
1.23 gal (US)/100 mi
414.76 Wh/mi
Temps 65 to 88 degrees
85.20 EOC miles (15.6 % of tank miles)
This may be a short fill. I always use the same pump and technique, but MPGuino showed
7.27 gals used and usually the difference is
only a couple of tenths.
2014-05-24 549.36 mi
884.11 km
7.377 gal (US)
6.14 gal (Imp)
27.92 L
248.6 kWh
($28.7 total for this fill)
74.47 mpg (US)
89.47 mpg (Imp)
3.16 L/100 km
1.34 gal (US)/100 mi
452.53 Wh/mi
Holiday trip
Temps 65 to 88 degrees

76 EOC miles (13.8% of tank miles)
2014-05-23 339.72 mi
546.73 km
4.277 gal (US)
3.56 gal (Imp)
16.19 L
144.13 kWh
($14.97 total for this fill)
79.43 mpg (US)
95.43 mpg (Imp)
2.96 L/100 km
1.26 gal (US)/100 mi
424.26 Wh/mi
Temps mid 60's to mid 80's
Some wind
47 EOC miles (13.8% of tank miles)
2014-05-20 324.77 mi
522.67 km
4.322 gal (US)
3.6 gal (Imp)
16.36 L
145.65 kWh
($15.13 total for this fill)
75.14 mpg (US)
90.21 mpg (Imp)
3.13 L/100 km
1.33 gal (US)/100 mi
448.47 Wh/mi
Rain, wind, cool temps
mid 40's to mid 70's
EOC miles 40.14 (12.4 % of total miles)
2014-05-13 348 mi
560.05 km
4.603 gal (US)
3.83 gal (Imp)
17.42 L
155.12 kWh
($16.39 total for this fill)
75.6 mpg (US)
90.86 mpg (Imp)
3.11 L/100 km
1.32 gal (US)/100 mi
445.75 Wh/mi
2 days of rain, wind and temps in the 60's and 70's
2014-05-08 330.21 mi
531.42 km
4.021 gal (US)
3.35 gal (Imp)
15.22 L
135.51 kWh
($14.31 total for this fill)
82.12 mpg (US)
98.57 mpg (Imp)
2.86 L/100 km
1.22 gal (US)/100 mi
410.38 Wh/mi
Weather - 60 to 85 degrees, south wind, sunny
EOC miles 46.25 (14% of tank miles)
2014-05-05 324.27 mi
521.86 km
4.033 gal (US)
3.36 gal (Imp)
15.27 L
135.91 kWh
($14.35 total for this fill)
80.4 mpg (US)
96.51 mpg (Imp)
2.93 L/100 km
1.24 gal (US)/100 mi
419.13 Wh/mi
Great weather, warm and clear
43.82 EOC miles (13.5% of total tank miles)
I love " FREE" miles
Guido meter said 4.01 gals. used, so I am calibrated very close
also 2/3 was weekend miles. Much less traffic. Great for hypermiling without irritating the fellow travelers.
2014-05-04 2212 mi
3559.87 km
30.969 gal (US)
25.79 gal (Imp)
117.23 L
1043.66 kWh
71.43 mpg (US)
85.77 mpg (Imp)
3.29 L/100 km
1.4 gal (US)/100 mi
471.82 Wh/mi
Three tanks.

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