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Fuel log graph
Efficiency log for: Schwartzejetta - 2000 Volkswagen Jetta TDI GL
  • Lifetime Fuel Economy: 52.9 mpg (US), 4.4 L/100 km, 63.5 mpg (Imp)
  • 90-day Fuel Economy: 52.9 mpg (US), 4.4 L/100 km, 63.5 mpg (Imp)
  • 3-tank Fuel Economy: 49.6 mpg (US), 4.7 L/100 km, 59.6 mpg (Imp)
  • EPA Combined Rating / % over rating: 38 mpg (US) / 39.1% (based on 90-day fuel economy)
  • Total fills: 5
  • Average cost per gal/L: $4.85 per gal (US); $1.28 per L (price data entered for 5 fill/s)
  • Average cost per fill: $79.77
  • Average distance cost: $0.09 per mi. / $0.06 per km
  • Total fuel used: 82.48 gal (US), 312.2 L
  • Total distance traveled: 4360.4 mi. / 7017.3 km
  • Total cost: $398.87
  • Total fuel saved vs. EPA: 32.3 gal. (US) / 122.3 L
  • Total saved: $156.66 (based on avg. cost per gal./L)
  • Average tank distance: 872.1 mi. / 1403.5 km
Fill date Distance Fill amount Price Fuel Economy Details
2014-07-19 971.5 km
603.66 mi
53.485 L
14.13 gal (US)
11.77 gal (Imp)
476.18 kWh
($64.13 total for this fill)
5.51 L/100 km
42.72 mpg (US)
51.29 mpg (Imp)
2.34 gal (US)/100 mi
788.82 Wh/mi
Shell 50 St & 101 Ave Edm

971.5 km / 53.485 L / 119.9 c/L / C$64.13 total.

Odo: 261620 km
Filled at: LFL +51.5 km shows the currency conversion as:
1.00 CAD = 0.931576 USD
1 USD = 1.07345 CAD

Majority city driving, but most commutes in are 15km each way to/from work. Some brutal post work stretches that were stop and go for 1-2km.
2014-06-29 968.4 km
601.74 mi
52.985 L
14 gal (US)
11.66 gal (Imp)
471.8 kWh
($65.12 total for this fill)
5.47 L/100 km
42.98 mpg (US)
51.61 mpg (Imp)
2.33 gal (US)/100 mi
784.06 Wh/mi
Petrocan Ft Road and 137ave EDM

968.4 km / 52.985 L / 122.9 c/L / C$65.12 total.

Odo: 260649 km
Filled at: LFL +48km shows the currency conversion as:
1.00 CAD = 0.938133 USD
1 USD = 1.06595 CAD

Almost all city driving, but most commutes in are 15km each way to/from work.
2014-06-13 1751.2 km
1088.15 mi
68.393 L
18.07 gal (US)
15.04 gal (Imp)
608.96 kWh
($87.13 total for this fill)
3.91 L/100 km
60.22 mpg (US)
72.35 mpg (Imp)
1.66 gal (US)/100 mi
559.63 Wh/mi
Two-fill Entry - to avoid the high-low mpg spikes cause by me not filling a full tank. :P

1751.2 km / 68.393 L / 127.4 c/L / C$87.10 total, combined.

Individual fuelups:

Petrocan Ft Road & 137 ave

274 km / 52.876 L / 126.9 c/L / C$67.10

ODO: 259681 (estimated from 6/29 fillup)
Fillup: LFL+80km (estimated)
Still looking for this receipt. Based on price/L + Bank statement for total fuel cost. Best guestimate at ODO reading and interpolated distance travelled from 6/07 and 6/29 fillups.

Shell 50 st & 101 ave

1477.2 km / 15.517 L / 128.9 c/L / C$20.00 total.

Odo: 259407 km
Filled at: LFL +48km

First fuel up after the trip -- NOT a full fuel up, so this fueling will spike the mileage charts :P

** Partial fuel up after returning to EDM from WPG + 4 days of city driving/commuting to work
2014-06-02 1423.6 km
884.58 mi
66.925 L
17.68 gal (US)
14.72 gal (Imp)
595.82 kWh
($89.61 total for this fill)
4.7 L/100 km
50.03 mpg (US)
60.09 mpg (Imp)
2 gal (US)/100 mi
673.56 Wh/mi
Flying J - Headingley, MB -- TRIP

1423.6 km / 66.925 L / 133.9 c/L / C$89.61 total.

ODO: 257929
Fillup: 3/16th tank shows the currency conversion as:
1.00 CAD = 0.938133 USD
1 USD = 1.06595 CAD

Highway driving -- TRIP. Filled up at about 3/16 of a tank, after the jerry can was used to refill. Drove from SSM to WPG on this distance. This fill-up will take us from WPG to EDM, via Regina.
2014-06-01 1902.6 km
1182.22 mi
70.42 L
18.6 gal (US)
15.49 gal (Imp)
626.82 kWh
($92.88 total for this fill)
3.7 L/100 km
63.56 mpg (US)
76.32 mpg (Imp)
1.57 gal (US)/100 mi
530.21 Wh/mi
Mac's 2nd Line & Goulais (SSM) - Trip

1902.6 km / 70.42 L / 131.9 c/L / C$92.88 total.

Odo: 256506 km
Filled at: 1/8th Tank shows the currency conversion as:
1.00 CAD = 0.938133 USD
1 USD = 1.06595 CAD

This was a TRIP fill-up that was a tank + diesel jerry can. This amount of fuel took us from SSM to WPG.

** This fuel up should have kilometers adjusted for fuel up done in White River inbound to SSM. Will check records, but I believe $15 or $20 in fuel was bought there at close to *GASP* $1.50/L.

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