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Fuel log graph
Efficiency log for: White 94 VX "Show Car" - 1994 Honda Civic VX VX
  • Lifetime Fuel Economy: 79.5 mpg (US), 3 L/100 km, 95.4 mpg (Imp)
  • 90-day Fuel Economy: 79.9 mpg (US), 2.9 L/100 km, 96 mpg (Imp)
  • 3-tank Fuel Economy: 80.9 mpg (US), 2.9 L/100 km, 97.2 mpg (Imp)
  • EPA Combined Rating / % over rating: 43 mpg (US) / 85.9% (based on 90-day fuel economy)
  • Total fills: 26
  • Average cost per gal/L: $2.81 per gal (US); $0.00 per L (price data entered for 26 fill/s)
  • Average cost per fill: $23.11
  • Average distance cost: $0.04 per mi. / $0.02 per km
  • Total fuel used: 213.91 gal (US), 809.7 L
  • Total distance traveled: 17000 mi. / 27358.8 km
  • Total cost: $600.91
  • Total fuel saved vs. EPA: 181.4 gal. (US) / 686.7 L
  • Total saved: $509.73 (based on avg. cost per gal./L)
  • Average tank distance: 653.8 mi. / 1052.3 km
Fill date Distance Fill amount Price Fuel Economy Details
2016-09-05 869.43 mi
1399.21 km
10.65 gal (US)
8.87 gal (Imp)
40.31 L
358.91 kWh
($23.95 total for this fill)
81.64 mpg (US)
98.02 mpg (Imp)
2.88 L/100 km
1.22 gal (US)/100 mi
412.81 Wh/mi
temps: 72 to 96 degrees

mostly dry and hot

146.37 EOC miles (16.8% of tank miles)

average of 44 MPH per the MPGuino
2016-07-10 772.11 mi
1242.59 km
9.891 gal (US)
8.24 gal (Imp)
37.44 L
333.33 kWh
($22.74 total for this fill)
78.06 mpg (US)
93.7 mpg (Imp)
3.01 L/100 km
1.28 gal (US)/100 mi
431.71 Wh/mi
Temps 74 to 95 degrees

Good MPG weather

EOC miles 138.96 (18% of tank miles)

average of 44 MPH per MPGuino
2016-05-05 794.88 mi
1279.24 km
9.569 gal (US)
7.97 gal (Imp)
36.22 L
322.48 kWh
($22 total for this fill)
83.07 mpg (US)
99.73 mpg (Imp)
2.83 L/100 km
1.2 gal (US)/100 mi
405.7 Wh/mi
Temps 50 to 82 degrees

Lots of rain

EOC miles 138.18 (17.38% of tank miles)

average of 43 MPH per MPGuino
2016-02-11 809.5 mi
1302.76 km
10.821 gal (US)
9.01 gal (Imp)
40.96 L
364.67 kWh
($20.55 total for this fill)
74.81 mpg (US)
89.84 mpg (Imp)
3.14 L/100 km
1.34 gal (US)/100 mi
450.49 Wh/mi
Temps 19 to 48 degrees

strong winds, cold temps, and road construction delays

120.15 EOC miles (14.84% of tank miles)

Average of 43 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-11-15 810.06 mi
1303.67 km
10.201 gal (US)
8.49 gal (Imp)
38.61 L
343.77 kWh
($23.25 total for this fill)
79.41 mpg (US)
95.41 mpg (Imp)
2.96 L/100 km
1.26 gal (US)/100 mi
424.38 Wh/mi
Temps 34 to 68 degrees

Mostly clear and cool

99.33 EOC miles(12.26% of tank miles)

average of 46 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-10-23 665.39 mi
1070.84 km
7.987 gal (US)
6.65 gal (Imp)
30.23 L
269.16 kWh
($19 total for this fill)
83.31 mpg (US)
100.06 mpg (Imp)
2.82 L/100 km
1.2 gal (US)/100 mi
404.51 Wh/mi
Temps 36 to 84 degrees

Cooler mornings and headwinds in afternoon

111.85 EOC miles (16.8% of tank miles)

42 MPH average per the MPGuino
2015-09-22 639.7 mi
1029.5 km
7.14 gal (US)
5.95 gal (Imp)
27.03 L
240.62 kWh
($17.13 total for this fill)
89.59 mpg (US)
107.51 mpg (Imp)
2.63 L/100 km
1.12 gal (US)/100 mi
376.15 Wh/mi
Temps 50 to 86 degrees

Cool mornings and warm afternoons

136.98 EOC miles (21.43% of tank miles)

Average of 39 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-09-05 645.39 mi
1038.65 km
7.344 gal (US)
6.12 gal (Imp)
27.8 L
247.49 kWh
($17.62 total for this fill)
87.88 mpg (US)
105.46 mpg (Imp)
2.68 L/100 km
1.14 gal (US)/100 mi
383.47 Wh/mi
Temps 72 to 95 degrees
clear and hot, some headwinds in afternoon
EOC miles 148.01 (22.9% of tanks miles)
average of 39 MPG per the MPGuino
2015-08-23 948.8 mi
1526.95 km
11.424 gal (US)
9.51 gal (Imp)
43.24 L
384.99 kWh
($27.98 total for this fill)
83.05 mpg (US)
99.77 mpg (Imp)
2.83 L/100 km
1.2 gal (US)/100 mi
405.77 Wh/mi
temps 62 to 92 degrees

some rain and headwinds

166.85 EOC miles (17.58% of tank miles)

average of 41 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-08-08 691.22 mi
1112.41 km
7.864 gal (US)
6.55 gal (Imp)
29.77 L
265.02 kWh
($19.65 total for this fill)
87.9 mpg (US)
105.53 mpg (Imp)
2.68 L/100 km
1.14 gal (US)/100 mi
383.41 Wh/mi
Temps 72 to 98 degrees

Hot and dry

125.72 EOC miles (18.91% of tank miles)

Average speed of 40 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-07-26 1082.63 mi
1742.32 km
14.964 gal (US)
12.46 gal (Imp)
56.64 L
504.29 kWh
($37.4 total for this fill)
72.35 mpg (US)
86.89 mpg (Imp)
3.25 L/100 km
1.38 gal (US)/100 mi
465.8 Wh/mi
2 tank trip to Dallas TX and back
Did not use alternator delete. Alternator on
for entire trip.
temps 74 to 101 degrees
Hot and dry
EOC 17.01 miles (.016% of tank miles)
Drove 65 MPH on 972 mile freeway portion and posted speeds on 110 miles of secondary roads
Average of 61 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-07-16 678.37 mi
1091.73 km
8.043 gal (US)
6.7 gal (Imp)
30.45 L
271.05 kWh
($20.1 total for this fill)
84.34 mpg (US)
101.25 mpg (Imp)
2.79 L/100 km
1.19 gal (US)/100 mi
399.56 Wh/mi
Temps 72 to 95 degrees

prefect high mileage weather. Light winds, no rain, clear and hot.

EOC miles 124.5 (18.35% of tank miles)

average of 40 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-07-04 660.2 mi
1062.49 km
8.049 gal (US)
6.7 gal (Imp)
30.47 L
271.25 kWh
($20.92 total for this fill)
82.02 mpg (US)
98.54 mpg (Imp)
2.87 L/100 km
1.22 gal (US)/100 mi
410.86 Wh/mi
Temps 68 to 92 degrees

100 miles of rain

EOC miles 116.75 (17.68% of tank miles)

average of 40 MPH per the MPGuino
2015-06-21 1050.08 mi
1689.94 km
13.11 gal (US)
10.92 gal (Imp)
49.63 L
441.81 kWh
($32.76 total for this fill)
80.1 mpg (US)
96.16 mpg (Imp)
2.94 L/100 km
1.25 gal (US)/100 mi
420.74 Wh/mi
Temps 72 to 94 degrees

Hot days with some rain and mild wind

200.55 EOC miles (19.1% of tank miles)

average of 40 MPH per the MPGuino
2014-12-01 706.35 mi
1136.76 km
9.455 gal (US)
7.87 gal (Imp)
35.79 L
318.63 kWh
($34.03 total for this fill)
74.71 mpg (US)
89.75 mpg (Imp)
3.15 L/100 km
1.34 gal (US)/100 mi
451.09 Wh/mi
Temps 22 to 70 degrees

several mild days, some rain and wind

EOC miles75.44 (10.7% of tank miles)

average of 40 MPH per MPGunio
2014-11-18 574.01 mi
923.78 km
8.129 gal (US)
6.77 gal (Imp)
30.77 L
273.95 kWh
($29.26 total for this fill)
70.61 mpg (US)
84.79 mpg (Imp)
3.33 L/100 km
1.42 gal (US)/100 mi
477.26 Wh/mi
Temps 14 to 47 degrees
Colder, windy, wet

EOC miles 62.09 (10.82% of tank miles)

Average of 41 MPH per the MPGuino
2014-11-13 583.26 mi
938.67 km
8.211 gal (US)
6.84 gal (Imp)
31.08 L
276.71 kWh
($29.55 total for this fill)
71.03 mpg (US)
85.27 mpg (Imp)
3.31 L/100 km
1.41 gal (US)/100 mi
474.42 Wh/mi
Temps 27 to 60 degrees
Cold, windy, and wet

EOC miles 71.25 (12.22% of tank miles)

Average of 39 MPH per the MPGuino
2014-11-08 679.33 mi
1093.28 km
8.9046 gal (US)
7.42 gal (Imp)
33.71 L
300.09 kWh
($32.05 total for this fill)
76.29 mpg (US)
91.55 mpg (Imp)
3.08 L/100 km
1.31 gal (US)/100 mi
441.74 Wh/mi
Temps 31 to 70 degrees
Cooler, 200 miles of rain and 100 miles of strong headwinds
EOC miles 82.97 (12.21% of tank miles)

Average of 41 MPH per the MPGuino
2014-11-02 1000.8 mi
1610.63 km
12.393 gal (US)
10.32 gal (Imp)
46.91 L
417.64 kWh
($44.23 total for this fill)
80.76 mpg (US)
96.98 mpg (Imp)
2.91 L/100 km
1.24 gal (US)/100 mi
417.31 Wh/mi
Temps 24 to 93 degrees
Vast change in temps, one day of rain
EOC miles 150.40 (15.03% of tank miles)

Average of 41 MPH per MPGuino
2014-10-23 326.31 mi
525.15 km
4.131 gal (US)
3.44 gal (Imp)
15.64 L
139.21 kWh
($14.87 total for this fill)
78.99 mpg (US)
94.86 mpg (Imp)
2.98 L/100 km
1.27 gal (US)/100 mi
426.62 Wh/mi
Temps 34 to 74 degrees
Cooler but still mostly clear and calm
EOC Miles 49.15 (15.06% of tank miles)

Tank average of 41 MPH per the MPGuino
2014-10-20 335.72 mi
540.29 km
4.355 gal (US)
3.63 gal (Imp)
16.49 L
146.76 kWh
($15.67 total for this fill)
77.09 mpg (US)
92.48 mpg (Imp)
3.05 L/100 km
1.3 gal (US)/100 mi
437.15 Wh/mi
Temps 39 to 75 degrees
Cool, calm winds, dry
EOC miles 56.38 (16.79% of tank miles)
Average of 41 MPH for this tank per MPGuino
2014-10-17 325.33 mi
523.57 km
4.009 gal (US)
3.34 gal (Imp)
15.18 L
135.1 kWh
($14.43 total for this fill)
81.15 mpg (US)
97.4 mpg (Imp)
2.9 L/100 km
1.23 gal (US)/100 mi
415.27 Wh/mi
Temps 50 to 80 degrees
Cool, clear, mild wind

EOC miles 55.86 (17.17% of tank miles)

Tank average MPH is 42 MPH per MPGuino
2014-10-14 340.78 mi
548.43 km
4.366 gal (US)
3.64 gal (Imp)
16.53 L
147.13 kWh
($15.54 total for this fill)
78.05 mpg (US)
93.62 mpg (Imp)
3.01 L/100 km
1.28 gal (US)/100 mi
431.74 Wh/mi
Temps 55 to 85 degrees
Rain on 100 miles of this tank

EOC miles 50.57 (14.87% of tank miles)

Average of 43 MPH per the MPGuino
2014-10-11 327.94 mi
527.77 km
4.335 gal (US)
3.61 gal (Imp)
16.41 L
146.09 kWh
($15.43 total for this fill)
75.65 mpg (US)
90.84 mpg (Imp)
3.11 L/100 km
1.32 gal (US)/100 mi
445.48 Wh/mi
Temps 67 to 84 degrees
Rain for 50 miles
EOC miles 47.78 (14.56% of tank miles)

Average speed of 42 MPH per MPGuino
2014-10-08 337.02 mi
542.38 km
4.18 gal (US)
3.48 gal (Imp)
15.82 L
140.87 kWh
($15.04 total for this fill)
80.63 mpg (US)
96.84 mpg (Imp)
2.92 L/100 km
1.24 gal (US)/100 mi
417.99 Wh/mi
Temps 55 to 84 degrees

still great mpg weather. Had a 20 mph tailwind on
2 trips home this tank.

EOC miles 49.44 (14.67% of tank miles)

Average speed was 43 mph per the MPGiuno
2014-10-05 345.36 mi
555.8 km
4.38 gal (US)
3.65 gal (Imp)
16.58 L
147.61 kWh
($15.76 total for this fill)
78.85 mpg (US)
94.62 mpg (Imp)
2.98 L/100 km
1.27 gal (US)/100 mi
427.41 Wh/mi
Temps 42 to 88 degrees

some strong wind and rain

EOC miles 52.79 (15.28% of tank miles)

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