Fill date |
Distance |
Fill amount |
Price |
Fuel Economy |
Details |
2015-01-08 |
266.742 mi 429.28 km
7.749 gal (US) 6.45 gal (Imp) 29.33 L 261.14 kWh
($16.97 total for this fill) |
34.42 mpg (US)
41.36 mpg (Imp) 6.83 L/100 km 2.91 gal (US)/100 mi 979 Wh/mi |
trying to drive carefully for 90% of these miles. after this fill up have decided to drop my tires back to factory pressure 32psi for ride comfort. probably would be better to have my tires balanced at 40psi to prevent vibration. still filling up on 87 regular e10. might change next tank. doesn't appear my guestimated hypermiling works. i need some instrumentation. |
2014-12-26 |
236.045 mi 379.88 km
7.033 gal (US) 5.86 gal (Imp) 26.62 L 237.01 kWh
($16.03 total for this fill) |
33.56 mpg (US)
40.28 mpg (Imp) 7.01 L/100 km 2.98 gal (US)/100 mi 1004.09 Wh/mi |
On this trip i tried to drive badly on purpose to set a starting point. I drove like everyone else in traffic. Accelerating faster than necessary, riding the brakes, etc. Still a little impressed on this one. Next tank I am going to hypermile to see the potential difference in economy simply by changing my driving habits since I have yet to actually modify anything on the car, just basic maintenance. Also think its funny how similar these numbers are to when i joined the forum in my first fuel logs. |
2014-12-16 |
314.374 mi 505.94 km
5.927 gal (US) 4.94 gal (Imp) 22.44 L 199.74 kWh
($17.3 total for this fill) |
53.04 mpg (US)
63.64 mpg (Imp) 4.44 L/100 km 1.89 gal (US)/100 mi 635.36 Wh/mi |
Im going to have to try and debunk this one. I wasn't even halfway attempting to take it easy half of these miles. Not sure this data is accurate. Did not put any gas in between fill ups. This was on 100% gas. I had too many things change to find out what might have caused these numbers. New oxygen sensor? New wheel bearings in rear? 100% gas? I just filled up with some premium and im gonna run the next numbers and see if im still getting these crazy numbers. Also gonna hypermile just in case to see how far it will go. |
2014-12-10 |
205.349 mi 330.48 km
6.16 gal (US) 5.13 gal (Imp) 23.32 L 207.59 kWh
($18.42 total for this fill) |
33.34 mpg (US)
40.03 mpg (Imp) 7.06 L/100 km 3 gal (US)/100 mi 1010.91 Wh/mi |
Just replaced oxygen sensor and filled up with non ethanol gasoline right before this. Also want to add, about 20% of these miles were driven by the shop owner who was fixing an issue they caused, so i doubt he was driving very carefully. All under 60mph. |
2014-12-01 |
206.4 mi 332.17 km
6.143 gal (US) 5.11 gal (Imp) 23.25 L 207.02 kWh
($15.91 total for this fill) |
33.6 mpg (US)
40.39 mpg (Imp) 7 L/100 km 2.98 gal (US)/100 mi 1003 Wh/mi |
this was my starting point. All my work done and new tires and alignment. Based on odometer adjusted with proper calculation. All under 60mph. |